Yahooo! I'm Getting Betta Barracks!

That is awesome! Good for you!

Where are you putting it? Did you say your living room? Best of luck - I see you are in Vancouver, are you breeding now? or just getting ready? I am in Kelowna, I breed too.

I have considered building or buying a barracks in the past, but never have since I am not totally comfortable with the idea of shared water systems. I nearly bought one system off another breeder in my area that held 250 fish!

For now I stick with the old-fashioned bazillion water changes multiple times a week. My husband thinks it is only an excuse for me to hold and babytalk the fish (I don't net the bettas over juvie size, I cup each one in my hands, the Thai way!). He still wants to build me a system...we will see! I am finanly getting my fish's suite back on the first! whoo hoo! :wub:
That is awesome! Good for you!

Where are you putting it? Did you say your living room? Best of luck - I see you are in Vancouver, are you breeding now? or just getting ready? I am in Kelowna, I breed too.

I have considered building or buying a barracks in the past, but never have since I am not totally comfortable with the idea of shared water systems. I nearly bought one system off another breeder in my area that held 250 fish!

For now I stick with the old-fashioned bazillion water changes multiple times a week. My husband thinks it is only an excuse for me to hold and babytalk the fish (I don't net the bettas over juvie size, I cup each one in my hands, the Thai way!). He still wants to build me a system...we will see! I am finanly getting my fish's suite back on the first! whoo hoo! :wub:

YOU'RE IN KELOWNA!??! *blinks* I'm heading to Kelowna on friday!! I love it over there! We should try to meet up sometime! :) Do you guys have any LFS that carry more than just veils? Or maybe just a good place for fish stuff in general?

Yep, I'm putting it in the living room in the basement. I've had two spawns in the past.. but both were total flops.. well, not totally. I went from around 80 babies to 12 in a week. :no:
Wow that is cool! Yes definitely, I'd love to have you over when I get my fishy room set back up nice n proper:) Everyone had to be temporarily relocated to my kitchen and livingroom, so I can relate with space issues.:)

Maybe we can even swap some stock, what are your breeding focuses?

All the pet and fish stores out here carry veils and CT, but NONE other than Walmart (yes, Walmart) takes care of them. They are soo bad out here with bettas, they are as terrible as dead and gellified, floating in plastic bags in the other tanks, loose with other fish including chiclids and even lobsters!

Walmart here has fantastically clean, wonderful bettas and lots of CT, but the finange and colors are not really the best quality for breeding....I believe they are breeder tossouts.

Drop me a line next time you come around@

BTW if you are interested in a breeding pair to take back with you, I also have a Roya Blue HM pair (Blue BF HM male x blue female HM geno).

They are siblings and I have bred them at least 6 times, he is the best dad and they mate very easily. He chewed his tail up recently, but he still breeds fantastically. I am getting out of breeding blue HM, and making space for new lines.

I also have a second unrelated, experienced breeding female that is blue with hm geno too. Let me know if you are interested, they from Tim Arndt's lines/Maryanne Lewis's lines.
Wow that is awesome. But I'm confused, if the tanks are clear then wont the males see each other and flare themselves into sickness and possibly death?

what the heck have you been reading dude o__o. flaring does not kill fish -_- otherwise they wouldn't even be able to breed
Well I read somewhere that if they flare too much they will get sick and could possibly die.
How in the world would you do water changes?

lol dunno about him, but all of the cells in my barracks are interconnected in a uhh maybe 50 gallon system? lol.

I have a commercial sized bio wheel at the bottom of the barracks with a water pump that basically pumps the water through a tube up into the top row where it hangs above the barracks and has holes for water to spill out. Then, on the bottom of each cell, is a "drain" that goes into the cell below and on and on until it goes down to the bottom row where it then drains into the biowheel filter. (I try to keep my bettas on the top row to get the freshest water, but some of these boys jsut cant stand seeing each other lol)

That way, the water is always filtered, I have a faucet near the last cell on the second row (I can pour hte declorinater down the bottom). Its awesome. I built it myself.

However, its pretty bad for the boys if they want to build bublenests since the water is always flowing. (maybe I'll invest in some mouthbrooders)

Right now, I am taking some spare cells and knocking out a couple panls each so I can remove the single cells and replace it with a cell the size of maybe half of hte row where I could atempt spawning mouthbrooders.

(silicone works wonders lol)

Don't have any pics though... my camera stinks.
Wow that is cool! Yes definitely, I'd love to have you over when I get my fishy room set back up nice n proper:) Everyone had to be temporarily relocated to my kitchen and livingroom, so I can relate with space issues.:)

Maybe we can even swap some stock, what are your breeding focuses?

All the pet and fish stores out here carry veils and CT, but NONE other than Walmart (yes, Walmart) takes care of them. They are soo bad out here with bettas, they are as terrible as dead and gellified, floating in plastic bags in the other tanks, loose with other fish including chiclids and even lobsters!

Walmart here has fantastically clean, wonderful bettas and lots of CT, but the finange and colors are not really the best quality for breeding....I believe they are breeder tossouts.

Drop me a line next time you come around@

BTW if you are interested in a breeding pair to take back with you, I also have a Roya Blue HM pair (Blue BF HM male x blue female HM geno).

They are siblings and I have bred them at least 6 times, he is the best dad and they mate very easily. He chewed his tail up recently, but he still breeds fantastically. I am getting out of breeding blue HM, and making space for new lines.

I also have a second unrelated, experienced breeding female that is blue with hm geno too. Let me know if you are interested, they from Tim Arndt's lines/Maryanne Lewis's lines.

Totally! I'd love to trade some breeding stock sometime. My babies from my first spawns are still growing up so I won't have any decent pairs ready for a while.

I used to only be interested in breeding HMs but I've recently started getting interested in breeding DT PKs, CT PKs and DTCTPKs. Of course, I would absolutely LOVE to have a decent HM spawn soon too! I'm working on an Opaque line. Daddy has gorgeous finnage and mom actually comes from Tim Arndt's lines but daddy recently started getting some red wash so I'd like to work on thickening up the Opaque color.

Do you have pictures of the pair? Oh, and maybe some pics of their offspring too?
Hi, the pair is in my other thread...a few rows down about breeders for sale...the pics are a few months old. Their offspring are very cute, infact I have sold some here on the forum (Betta Bum has a few females too - I think a green, a royal and two great pastels), I have two spawns of their still in grow out, and one lovely lovely male that is two months that is just like his papa's personality, I had to keep, he is a blue/lace tho:)
If you search my old threads you will find pics of some of their chillin.


I'm currently entranced with spawning CT's since it is more challenging:) I am also looking for some lovely plakats, there is a super black/white monster I want soo bad!

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