
thats very true about the fry. Plus, i think the average temperature is closer to 70 than 65. I was thinking about this and i know i had done water changes on my betta at work, and forgotten to plug the heater back in when i was done. The room got very cold over night, and was probably around 60 when i got in, but that guy was swimming around happy to see me (and even happier to get his heater pluged back in). Maybe the one who plays dead is just very picky.
Hmm. Well, commercial buildings are a bit different. Since nobody sleeps there (or at least in most cases. lol), unless there is a night cleaning crew or something, heat is at a minimum necessary to protect assets and keep costs down. So a betta kept without a heater in a private residence wouldn't be subject to such a dramatic temp drop...or at least I hope not! :D
My point was i accidently did that to crash once (yes the jumper from my other post), and he swam right up to me and was happy to see me the next morning. My classroom had some heater issues so for the first class of the day i'd usually leave my jacket on. I was amazed he survived that one, honestly.
Yes that tank has a light in the hood, I have one, but right now it is empty. Will keep it for sick bettas if needed. My 10 gallon divided tank is in the kitchen and it is warm in there, so I don't use a heater. But I agree, I had a betta upstairs where it is not so warm and he would hardly move, moved him downstairs but too late, he died not too long after. Not too sure if that is the reason why, but now I will get a heater if I want any fish upstairs. Right now my puffer is upstairs(with a heater in tank) in spare room, had to move him, rug installed in frontroom. I will put him back in livingroom in about a week, they are very touchy, jumpy fish and get VERY stressed when moved.
I've decided not to get a heater for the tank. The temp upstairs stay around 72-73 degrees and I'm not going to buy a heater just for two more degrees.. That would seem kind of pointless to me. Plus I am puting it in a pass-through from the kitchen to the living room and the kitchen is normally very warm so I'm sure he will be fine.

The tank is not being shipped till monday.... :-( so that means I'll probably get it around thursday or friday or maybe even some time next weekend... But hopefully those days will go by fast. I should go to the store and see if I can reserve a betta I want until then... Hopefully she will let me, I've been a pretty good costumer to her, I've probably spent over $100 dollars on fish alone the past six months..

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