Xmas pets

I don't agree with it if an animal is bought as a present when the person buying the animal doesn't know for sure if the person who is going to recieve the animal really wants it.
I though about getting a guinnea pig for a friend of mines kids as they have had guinnea pigs before and theirs had recently died. Before going ahead and getting it though I spoke to my friend what she thought of the idea. She told me that as she is working alot and the kids are away from the house from 9am to 6pm on school days then it would be unfair on the animal and that it wouldn't get the proper care and attention it would require.
I however did receive some gold fish as presents last year but it is what I asked for.
Mistakes were made, no research was done before hand and before I knew where I was going I had lost many fish.
I decided to start again with a bigger tank, real plants, heater, better filter and tropical fish. This was done properly, reasearch done, cycling of tanks, frequent water changes and hardy fish at the beginning.
Do I agree or disagree, to be honest I don't know. To get an animal for a friend for a present I have to disagree.
To get an animal for your kids as a present, with the knowledge that it is most likely to be yourself that ends up taking more care of it and you are prepared to do so then I kind of agree with it as it is more a present for the whole family and you yourself know that the animal is going to be cared for and loved properly.
I have to say no on this one.

Here, the busiest time of the year at the RSPCA (animal welfare group) is January and especially February. Doggie gets played with over summer. Kids return to school in late January, back with friends, back to after school activities, no time for puppies or kittens. Also, that cute little puppy grows up to be a fully grown dog often too boisterous for the kids.

Sorry.... :*) I have very strong views on this

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