Xmas pets


Feb 24, 2004
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Kent, UK
whats your view on this? do you give pets as presents (whether its fish, hamsters, kittens, puppies, etc?)

do you agree with it or disagree with giving animals as christmas presents?
W'e bought fish for my parents before (birthdays) but we go with them and pay - thats all...

I'll be setting up a tank for my sister this year so she can have some of our Apple snails. We nearly bought some khuli loaches for here too...

but its all discussed - not just random purchases.
i'm only okay with it if 1) you know the person really wants one and can properly take care of it, 2)they pick it out themselves and you call it a gift from you. giving an animal, any animal, as a gift, should NOT be a surprise, but completely expected. no matter what type of animal it is. the person receiving should want that animal, know how to care for it, and be ready for it when they receive it. now granted, your kids have been asking all year for a puppy, which, as a parent youre fully aware either you'll be doing most of the care for it or have already set in place some rules that if you get them a dog they'll care for it, etc, then surprising them with a dog for an occassion is okay, but only after you've properly prepared for adding it to the family.

all pets, regardless of type, need to be a planned thing. do you know how many animals the shelters get those first few months after the holiday season that were "presents" and ended up not being wanted, not being able to be cared for, or not what they expected and so the puppy or kitten winds up at the pound??? same goes with rabbits at easter, and black or white cats at halloween. its sad really......................................
i completly agree on giving someone a pet(if they want one) for x-mas, i would be extremly happy if someone would give me a pet for x-mas. :nod:
Well i really like my oddballs and cichlids and weird fish and for my last birthday my bestfriend bought me 6 platys!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lovely thought but i didn't have aclue where to put them and with two weeks they were breeding. So no don't give me fish as a present unless you are my boyfriend and know what fish you like. Whats a good idea is what my ex-colleagues gave me as a leaving present- Vouchers for the LFS!!! :p
MAM said:
i'm only okay with it if 1) you know the person really wants one and can properly take care of it, 2)they pick it out themselves and you call it a gift from you. giving an animal, any animal, as a gift, should NOT be a surprise, but completely expected. no matter what type of animal it is. the person receiving should want that animal, know how to care for it, and be ready for it when they receive it. now granted, your kids have been asking all year for a puppy, which, as a parent youre fully aware either you'll be doing most of the care for it or have already set in place some rules that if you get them a dog they'll care for it, etc, then surprising them with a dog for an occassion is okay, but only after you've properly prepared for adding it to the family.

all pets, regardless of type, need to be a planned thing. do you know how many animals the shelters get those first few months after the holiday season that were "presents" and ended up not being wanted, not being able to be cared for, or not what they expected and so the puppy or kitten winds up at the pound??? same goes with rabbits at easter, and black or white cats at halloween. its sad really......................................
I agree with everything that MAM has said :nod:
I got a Whites Tree Frog, but that was after much begging lol. I was ready for it though. I wish someone would let me go get that puppy at the shelter for Christmas, but alas.... I doubt it :sad:
I think it's a great idea, only if the people receiving the gift (pet) is prepared. My sister's boyfriend bought my parents a puppy for Christmas this year. They just lost a puppy recently and have been extremely depressed. When he brought the puppy over, my parents fell in love with her. Since, they've perked up considerably. It's hard to see your parents sad :( Anyway, I agree with giving them as gifts only if the people are prepared and want the animal ;)
Plec You've read Your Dog, so you know where it comes from when I say, pets should never be given as presents, as it is so hard for them to settle in over the hustle and bustle of Christmas, and if they are to be presents, as well as everything else, the animals should be boughts after Christmas. (excpet fish, who probably don't care its christmas)
Its just at the lps where I work we have so many people saying "I want to buy this for my child as a christmas present, No, he doesn't know he is getting it " usually the case is hamsters and gerbils. But puppies and kittens as presents are worse because they take a lot of looking after. You may as well wait till after xmas and rescue one who has been an abandoned xmas present.
I agree with MAM.

I have just got two Persian kittens for Christmas. However, I moved into my new place a year ago and finshed decorating a couple of months ago and decided that as there was no more work to be done it was the right time to get my new additions. My parents didn't know what to get me for Christmas so they offered to give me the money that they would have spent to let me put towards the kittens.

Before I bought the kittens I researched their breed and found out what their "requirements" were and made sure that I would have sufficient time to look after them properly before purchasing them. Plus i have had animals all my life. Cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, birds and even a duck at one point! I was fully aware of what I was letting myself into. It just so happened that I was ready around the Christmas period.

I would never recommend purchasing a pet for Christmas (or any other time of the year for tht matter) on the off chance that the receiver would like adn on the other side i would hate for somebody to buy me a surprise pet at any time of the year not just a Christmas.

It all comes back to the old saying "A dog is for life, not just for Christmas"

It all comes back to the old saying "A dog is for life, not just for Christmas"

a campaign begun by the NCDL (now Dogs' Trust) 20 something years ago. thats what started this post.
I think, as you all have said, if the recipient knows and can care for the aminal, it is OK. Although, in loads of films, especially set in America (no offense :p ) you see little kids gettind a gift wrapped puppy, being totally suprised and going "Ooh! A puppy! Aaaw!".
I don't see a problem with parents buying their kids a pet for xmas, because the parent is the one who will ultimately have the responsibilty anyway. I bought my friend Shena a puppy for xmas last year, but it was fully planned out and she went with me to get the dog :thumbs:

When I was little a neighbor brought me two chickens for a present...my mother was less then pleased :lol:
I had a tortoise as a Christmas present once. It was many years ago and he was loosly wrapped in tissue paper and placed on my hands. When he moved I nearly dropped him in shock :eek: But I loved that tortoise and called him 'Slowcoach'. He used to try and mate with flowerpots in the garden. Not that slow eh :rolleyes:

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