X-Box Kinect......who Has One And What Do You Think Of It?

well MS has this planned to control the next windows release (ive already got it controlling win 7 100%) so you fail M$

Ah Walkers, this is why I like you so much :D

As said above, this thing is just an overpriced eyetoy. I'm hoping the technology drifts onto PC's and leaves consoles to use controllers.
Have you seen the movie "Gamer"?

Not the greatest movie but it was still neat and when I look at the kinect and what it can do, it makes me think of the kids gaming room. All of the walls including the cielingare his screen and some of it pops out 3D style. The way he controlled the main prisoner guy was by moving hisself. There was no controller or nothing.

Imagine if you had call of duty and played it in a 12x12 room where all the walls and ceiling flawlessly displays the map and puts you right in the middle of and the way you r
looked around was by turning your body and shooting the guns and switching attachments with no controller, just movements by your hands and body.

That's where I think it's going.
Have you talked to it yet....

XBOX ON!.... XBOX OFF! :lol:

Now take a look at this

GET TO THE CHOPPA................. *GASP*.

To be fair I am impressed with the kinect but it is hardly new technology, I remember being an infant and playing on this sort of "system" in a museum however you were only able to horizontal movements and depth was not captured. It has barely advanced over the time, I imagine just like myself Microsoft have got sick of the crap Nintendo have been feeding the world with it's whole "fitness" marketing over the Wii.

There is nothing fit about slouching on my sofa with a beer in on hand, a pack of doritos and dip on my stomach and a wii controller in the other flicking it in a way which would be unsuitable for children to watch.

However the kinect at least gets you off your bum and standing, just like the Wii lets wait for all those "horror" videos on youtube. This time it will be more interesting, "Man falls out window trying to play volleyball on kinect".
Fitness Evolve finally got delivered this morning so I proceeded to do an hour of personal training along with a bit of Gym games (smashing blocks), boy my thighs are suffering now!! :S :lol: :lol:

I`ll openly admit I`m not the fittest person but I have to say that I did find it hard work, but due to the interactive game play I really enjoyed it :nod: :D
I`m looking forward to getting hubby on it although he does do phys regularly anyway.....I`ve already beaten my 20 year old son on the smashing bricks :lol: :lol:

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