
Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Oh my lord.
With Millie gone from the tank, I though hell had broken loose.
Well now I think I started WW3..

I cooked up some cucumbers for Gary and dropped them in. Well, Liza has laid claim to one of them and she won't leave its side. When anyone gets within inches of it, she chases them away. The bigger girls have taken off when she comes after them, but just a bit ago, Pearl got horked off and turned around and flared back at Liza. lol Their flares are so.... teeny.... Daisy doesn't really care when Liza tries to chase her out of there and ignores her. So Liza started flaring at Daisy. When that did nothing, she started nipping at her side.
Nellie is still cave-bound and won't come out - and so when someone is running from little Liza and needs a hidey place, they run to the cave. Nellie runs them out of the cave.
...and Cloey is completely full of eggs and haggier than EVER.

last but not least, Gary's cruising around the tank eating plants off and completely missing every single piece of cucumber I have dropped in there.

I feel like I have a mini aquatic circus in my living room. :rolleyes:
Ah, I love that tank. Someday you should set up a video camera for us to watch, too. Or you could charge admission for the "fish circus!"

Hey, here's the good news in all of this:

Liza's eating something more than just bloodworms and peas!
You know - that thought had never occurred to me. YAY!
I took some pictures tonight so I should be able to post them tomorrow. Mostly of Liza chasing everyone. I also got a whole bunch of Gary wheeling around the tank. He literally got himself stuck between a rock and a hard place before. I had to rescue him with the tongs of life. hee hee hee hee

I wonder if, when Millie gets ready to go back into the tank, the pecking order is gonna be all screwed up.
They'll have to settle it all over again. Someone else might emerge on top, you never know. Should be interesting. :)
mr_miagi32 said:
Its almost like watching a daytime TV soapie! :rolleyes:
It could be called...... "As the Snail Crawls".....
Wouldn't it be something if one of the girls had Gary's babies?

Yep, he sure is.
I catch him doing this :hey: to the girls all the time.
Aha! I wonder if they're all fighting over Gary.... :hyper:
Am I getting this right Bettamomma, are you saying you have a guy betta in with the girl community? Bit unsure in your discription!!! :look:
the fish and the restless LOL(young and the restless my grandma loves that soap i personally think its crap)...i feel sorry for you thats why i dont keep my females together besides the fact i only have 2 they hate eachother (they act hatefull becuase if i pay atttention to stary Amy will give me a mad/peed off face AND stary wants amy to be Ame's friend and ames doesnt want to they may be in seprerate tanks but they still do this i have my own soap oprea going on becuase Amy really likes flame and she looks full of eggs and flame just doesnt care(he doesnt know whats going on he is kinda ..stupid? and he only cares about pacing back n fouth and staring at random things) and stary doesnt have guys around her becuase at the store they had her around alot of guys and she was kinda chubby lookin il post a topic on amy) haha i have a soap myself :rofl:
Here we go...
I actually never knew that fish could scowl...

And the chases:


Guarding the cucumber:



And here's the 'slappin'-the-face-with-her-tail' tiff shot:

and poor depressed little Nellie hiding in her cave..

Daisy loves Gary!


and then just Gary...

The only measly little plant left in the tank he has yet to conquer....

*little trumpet sound, then a teeny voice screams "CHARGE"*
and a few minutes later...

If Gary wasn't so adorable...

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