You can certainly sell or give them to your local lfs....we only have one and she has a hard time getting in fish, it's a long distance haul that jacks up her prices to cover it, so I give her my extra guppies. It's my charitable thing, plus, as a matter of pride, I only give her cute fish so she likes me(bcs she can make money off my fish of course!
) Just don't get so exasperated that you try releasing them into the local stream or pond. I don't think you would ever do that but some people try it. Craaaazy. Congrats by the way on being such a good fish keeper that your mollies are acting like rabbits!
I don't think, no matter WHAT I owned, that I could thaw out baby chicks and then feed them to a snake. EWWWWWW. But then I'm in Canada where big tanks of feeder goldfish are regularly kept in all big city pet stores. One of my daughter's friends regularly buys feeder goldfish bcs she doesn't want them getting munched on! Awwwww....
Our local vet raises very CUTE hooded rats (some of which he sells) just to keep his two boas fed!
Definitely outside the British law for sure, but he rescued the snakes from being abandoned and I guess you can't feed 8 foot snakes Cheerios. They're cute snakes, and I don't mind holding them but I ain't goin over there during suppertime.