

New Member
May 14, 2006
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My Heniochus Butterfly keeps brushing up against my Copperband as if he was trying to cut the other with his long fin. Anyone know wtf is going on? :/

Help appreciated! :good:
There's a saltwater forum lower down that will help you out more than the freshwater section.
Most Butterflyfish use their sharp dorsal or top fin to defend themselves. Did you introduce these fish at the same time or did you just add the Copperband. Sounds to me like your Heniochus butterfly is defending his territory.

There's a few things that could be wrong here.
1. Your tank is to small to house the 2 of them.
2. You didn't put them in at the same time.

What can happen.
1. They might stop fighting.
2. They'll fight until the other one is dead.
3. They both die from being stressed.
copperband was in there first. dont like the sound of the outcome much :(
ty for ur help
What volume in gallons and dimensions in length is the tank?
If there is a resident butterfly fish then it will have an established territory. What you are witnessing is the aggression between the 2 fish to either get the other away from its home or for the other to gain a little bit of territory of its own.

Considering how delicate most butterflys are (and especially the copperband) i urge you to remove one of these fish ASAP or you might find that 1 or even both will die due to stress :/

If the tank is large enough of course then perhaps these fish can establish territories of their own, what size is the tank? HOw long has the copperband been in the tank? They are notriously difficult to care for and anything longer than 6 months is usually considered unusual for this fish.
its a 40 gal and the copperband was in there a week longer then the other
Thats your answer right there.

40G is way to small to house the 2 of them.

The Humphead Bannerfish, also known as the Heniochus Brown Butterflyfish needs at least 70G because they grow up to 8 inches.

The Copperband Butterflyfish, also known as the Beaked Butterflyfish, Beaked Coralfish, or Orange Stripe Butterfly needs at least 50G.

Here's a site to read more about them

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