Wrapping At Last


Moved On
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Rome, Georgia
]Well as many may know, I recently purchased 6 HMs and am starting on a breeding project. Well I have been conditioning my pair for about 2 weeks and decided to release the female this morning. Well after her being in the tank for about 3 hours they started to wrap. I have it all on camera, so I if I can figure out how to load videos on youtube then I will post for all to see. I would post photos up, but photobucket is not working for me right now. If you go to my PREVIOUS POST you can see the ones I am spawning; the peacock butterflies.
Well, about 3 hours after spawning I noticed the male was eating the eggs. After a few minutes of disappointment a little ray of hope basking in the light on the bottom caught my eye. I saw a 4 eggs on the bottom, I managed to get them and put them in a jar with air pumped through, in hope to hatch these few.
The very best of luck with the little guys!
I know nothing, of course, but I believe they have enough trouble struggling up a few inches to the surface of the water kept very low in such circumstance, where Daddy isn't there to keep putting them up in the surface nest so they can air-breathe.
Won't the air bubbler disrupt both the water and the surface, possibly causing them to drown?
I would not use a bubble stone like that the fry wont be strong enough to get to the survace and they will drown, I would use the spawning tank and drop the water level as low as it can go and still cover the heater, place a sponge filter at the other side of the tank away from where you drop the eggs in. also when hatching eggs this way just a drop or two of an antifungus med will help keep the eggs from getting fungused.
good point. i did not think about them not being strong enough to reach the surface. I will out the back in the breeding tank and lower the water level.
if im correct they wont need to go to the surface for a day or so?
as long as the water is shallow the eggs with still hatch ,
make sure the water is super clean otherwise they will get fungus and stuff on them.

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