

Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
So over the last 2 weeks or so Wolverine, (one of my Synirr boys) has done a drastic makeover on himself. At first I thought it was some kind of bacterial infection (silly me :look: ) then I wake up one day and BAM! whole anal fin is a different color. Last two days he's really changed the most.


Wolverine a week or so before the color change started.




I know right?!?!? :hyper: Sexy man fish!

He still has a few flecks of red but they are going away. I hope he doesn't change again! His Dad would be so proud. :angel:
WOW! :hyper: , That's amazing. Those bubbles over his head in the first pic looks so 3-D and surreal. So cool. Its like a metalic mercury bubble. :lol: ...

-Arrowhead ;)
Wow a gold betta.
Toldya he was probably losing his red! What a late bloomer! He certainly is gorgeous now :wub:
Is he really copper-gold, or is it more blue? I've got a couple of siblings like that, but they're blue.
Thats something else, Thats a really nice color a beautiful fish. The most i have to say is that i had a goldfish turn from silver to gold lol. But thats not as enthusiastic. Congrads.
:drool: Whoa... he really is gorgeous. He does look a LOT like his Pops! Have you considered spawning him :hey:? It'd be interesting to spawn him with a similar female.... those would be some hawt babies.

This makes me sad that I gave away the 3 boys that Synirr sent me :( they were gorgeous little guys, too.
lol very cool. You know I've seen Kelly say it alot on here..that plakats don't get to their full potential until like, 6 months of age..I guess this one is trying to set the example on that lol.

lol and he looks like he's burping in that first picture..that's quite funny. :lol:
WOW! I have never seen a color change that drastic.. how gorgeous!
If only I were a female betta... :*
Funny thing... all the redloss fish in my spawn started out looking pretty much exactly like Wolverine looked at first, but some of them went so far as to turn completely white! :crazy:
Thats wonderful he looks amazing :D

I bought my first (CT) betta: neptune, about 3 weeks ago and since then his tail has grown enormously his colours are developing increadibly quickly too, i had no idea the transformation was so quick. I'm really pleased with how he's doing, especially as he's my first betta :wub:

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