

Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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How many of you have seen the program "Oceans in Glass"
Well here's the spin off.
Many months ago whilst in the planning stage of my Aquarium upgrade. I wrote off to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium, regarding a specific exhibit I'd seen on the program.
Well get this... I have just received information back from them this morning on how to replicate that very same exhibit within my new build. How cool is that.
I'll not go into specifics at this moment in time but will post pics of my interpretation of their plans within my new build.
I just cant believe they have taken the time to reply to an ordinary Joe Bloggs Marine Aquarist.
wow thats really surprising! A lot of places wouldn't even bother replying at all.
wow thats really surprising! A lot of places wouldn't even bother replying at all.
I know Barney and TBH I wasn't really holding much hope for a reply, but reply they did, and with more information than I had originally asked for
They must of been proud of that exhibit and wished to share.
I'm really flabbergasted that they took time out to do this.

Its because your special!
No more special than anyone else yf

Nice one Colin. Isn't it great when people take the time :good:
Will be interesting to see what develops :drool:
Most of us regulars watched the program and I still have it recorded on my sky+. I think they probably have a reasonable amount of information already collated as the exhibit is open to the public. I would presume they also need to keep a certain amount of records as to how the exhibit was set for reference and research.

Despite this though, it is fantastic that they are prepared to share the information with the average reef keeper, this is advantageous to them to and us. If you read many articles, it is joe bloggs reefer that has managed to keep X coral alive by Y methods and this has aided many public aquariums. I do really believe this is people working together to achieve a common goal amongst marine and reef keepers.

This is also where conservation of our seas comes into play too, the more information available to us, eventually the less we take from the sea and the more we breed or aquaculture ourself, which in turn then allows us to restock reefs.

I think I have rambled enough now.

Nice one Big C, Look forward to your plans being revealed. :good:
That's fantastic!! :yahoo: I'm glad they took the time.

ps. Visiting Monterey Bay Aquarium is on my to do before I die list :D
How exciting, can't wait to hear all about it...............get a move on
Oh Seff if only you knew.
Been off work this last two weeks (bent down to tie my shoelace and my back went into spasm) been in bed most of the time, watching Jeremy Kyle and living on TFF... (Old age I expect).
I can hardly stand up straight and its hard to breathe and talk. Sneezing is a big NO NO.
Doc told me to move around from time to time so as the muscle gets a little movement. Well I did that and now I've fallen down the blinkin stairs. (well half way... cuts n bruises) and when the wife came home from work her initial reaction was to laugh. (I'll get her back)
This is the reason there has been no moment on the New Build.
Yours in Agony
chop chop we all wanna see!
When I can get mobile Ben.....don't worry.
Anyone want to help with a waterchange, even the Nano's been neglected at the moment. :angry:

The Build will resume ASAP

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