

Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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my friend recently obtained three of the oddest and rareist fish i hav seen, do you hav any info on them for me-

Saber Tusk Barracuda (Paraya)

Delhezi Bichir

and a royal clown loach
the bichir's latin name is: Polypterus delhezi. they grow to around 14". they come from mainly the upper and middle section of the congo river in africa. they do best at a temperature of around 27C they prefer neutral to slightly acidic and slightly soft water. these fish can open ther mouths and fit a fish a third of there own size if not bigger in so i would be carfull what fish are kept with it.

I think the royal clown loach gets to about 8" but i'm not suer on that one. the latin name is leptobotia elongata.

do you have a latin name for the Saber Tusk Barracuda as i have never heard of one of these.
Paraya, also called a vampire characin, not sure the scientific name but they aren't very good aquarium fish. They get to 3' are carnivores and have huge fangs in it's bottom jaw. That's all I really know. HTH.
the royal clown loach is about 4 inches. the birchir is beautiful and is an amazing sight in his 300 gallon. as you say the one to watch is the Paraya it is about 8 inches long and has fangs nearly 2 inches long that slice through things like needles, i am trying to persuade him to give it back because the only tank he can store it in is to small for a fully grown one and it looks a bit to dangerous, at feeding time it goes mental and thrashes around crashing its jaw down on anything it sees or feels. :crazy:
:lol: Damn birchirs....Why do they have to eat ???? You would think they just go to the grocery store like everyone else !!! :lol: So if you hate Birchirs do you hate guppies to then ????????? :p
I hate birchirs!! Ya' know why?
They eat other fish!! That's so stupid!!

No different to us eating meat. Gotta say would prefer something like that to the normal community fish.
Bichirs are great fish and as long as you keep then with fish that are tall bodied or over 1/2 the size of the bichir they will not eat their tankmates, i have 3 species of bichir including a delhezi and have found them to be one of the most peaceful predatory fish there are.

Michelle as sondan was hinting at all fish will eat other fish, even plecos will munch on sick fish if they cannot get away, its just what fish do and if it upsets you your in the wrong hobby
I hate birchirs!! Ya' know why?
They eat other fish!! That's so stupid!!

Unfortunatly thats what bichirs do, and from experience they do it quite well :(
but they are great fish to own, I have 5 different species and adore them :wub:
as for the barracuda thing cricky :hyper: looks like hell of fish to own, but looks like serious trouble!!!

David :fish:

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