Wow You Got To See This Big Boy...


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Apr 10, 2012
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Was in maidenhead aquatics today and this lady had brought in a bristlenose, it was a giant lol, nearly 9" in lengh and its bristles was so long, the pic dont do it much justice but here is a quick pic...

Your from East Yorkshire right? Is he in Beverley one? I think hes been there a few weeks he is really nice though, his partner is somewhere in there as well as all their babies haha!
Your from East Yorkshire right? Is he in Beverley one? I think hes been there a few weeks he is really nice though, his partner is somewhere in there as well as all their babies haha!

Yeah thats right :) there was 3 altogether, one (the one in pic) in a tank on the side when u walk in doors, and the pair was to the right (at back) of store, unreal never seen anything like em.
oooo that sounds like an other one, might have to go have a look see :)
oooo that sounds like an other one, might have to go have a look see :)

Yeah i saw them yesterday... Never seen bristles like that
Did you see that fahaka aswell? My friend was going to buy him but was too late :(
awwww man it sounds like ive missed an interesting saturday :( I usually go to get live food on a saturday but too much uni work
Apparently the lady who brought it in had only ever fed the tank tetra prima
That guy must be old. That's so big for bn and thoes bristels are awesome. I find bn plecos tend to be slow growers.
Very cool. :drool:
Blimey its a wonder he can see where he is going - i'd drop in a hair band so he can tie them back! Seriously iv'e never seen one like it - he is awesome!
wow, i've got to go and have a look at that!!! :good: i haven't been there for ages. :(
Looks like one i saw in my LFS not so long ago, he was huge! i had my male for 8-9 year and thought he was big, boy was i wrong

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