Wow So Suprised At What I Found Today


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Nosing through a well known auction site for tanks (what else is there to do on a rainy day :lol: ) and came accross "LARGE 4FT TROPICAL AQUARIUM + LIVESTOCK complete setup" I know I cannot put the link in but the stock is
1 x big ocar fish
1x big discus
4 x assortment of angel fish
1 x pleco
1 x clown loach
1 x silver dollar fish
4 x medium to large sized gold fish which seem to love the tropical enviroment more than the cold!!!

The pics of a large oscar and a discus is quite unbelievable!
Oh dear, thats a bad mix. Pity aye. Out of curiosity how much is the start price? Or is it nill :p
Starting £110 BIN £170 can pm you the link if you want :lol:
Lol as much as i'd love another tank firstly i'm not about to compete with you for total quantity of tanks, i have 3 running currently and secondly my ND Aquatics one arrives 1st/2nd week of September :p I was just curious. I shall leave it there, as we all know what happens when you look further into it :lol:
can you pm me the link at all?

is ok i found it

good god i can't believe that
Walkers, pm sent as you found it I think
thanks anyway i still can't believe it i have sent an email to show my disgust!
WOW! what else can you say!! :blink:

The sand does look imaculate tho!!

surely it must be brand new!!?

"4 x medium to large sized gold fish which seem to love the tropical enviroment more than the cold!!!"... love it!

and that tank is never 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot

"18" = (2ft)" you do the maths :angry:

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