Wow I Have Cory Babies!


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
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Bristol UK
Well my first ever 2 cory julii eggs hatched!!! :yahoo:

I transferred the eggs this afternoon from the platy tank to a 4 gal tank,anyway i just checked them and found they hatched out!! :good:

What do i next?

The tank has a heater set on 24 degrees and an airstone do i need to put a filter in there at the moment? i only have an elite mini handy.
When i do i feed them?
I bought in hidesight yesterday some liquidfry 1,will they be ok on this? do i do daily water changes like my fry tank?

Sorry for all the questions but i've never had eggs hatch,let alone had corys long,i've only bought them a few weeks ago.

Any help would be great!! :)

Here's a short video of them. theres one at the front corner moving around the other is hid behind the airstone :)
cory baby video

Hi Harlequins :)

That's great! Your fish will probably be giving your more eggs soon, so what you learn from these first ones you can apply to them as well.

For the first 24 hours or so you don't have to do anything. They will be using up their egg sacs and won't need food until that happens. For now you have some choices to make. The most natural way to raise them is to add a fine layer of sand to the bottom and rinse a filter out on top of them. Their first foods will be the micro-bacteria that live in it. Within a week they will have grown considerably and will be able to eat larger food like microworms and Hikari First Bites.

A bare bottom tank is harder to keep clean than one with a little sand on the bottom. Good and frequent water changes, and an occasional stir will take care of this if you use sand but with a bare bottom, it must be rubbed off. It's important to keep the bottom clean since your fry will spend most of their time on it. LiquiFry can be troublesome with this.

BTW, your fry are unlikely to be actual C. juliis since they are quite rare. It's most likely that they are C. trilineatus, an excellent cory. :D
Thanks inchworm :good:

They are still alive and wriggling about,i went out to see if i could get some microworms to no avail,anyway i was chatting to chap in lfs and he said he fed his corys on a mixture of frozen bbs,tetra prima and liquidfry 1,
he said to get a little pot put a bit of frozen bbs in,crushed up tetra prima and a drop of liquidfry mix together with a little tank water then give to the fry.
Does this sound ok?
Hi Harlequins :)

he said to get a little pot put a bit of frozen bbs in,crushed up tetra prima and a drop of liquidfry mix together with a little tank water then give to the fry.

I would feed either one thing or another so I could see what they are going for. Keep in mind that they are very tiny and at this stage can eat only very very small bits. Also, be sure to clean out uneaten food quickly and keep the bottom free of any film that forms there.

It's unusual to be able to find microworms in an lfs, but you can probably find them online. They are not very expensive. They have to be cultured so if you are thinking of having them for a future batch, it's none too soon to start doing it. BigC sometimes sells them by mail so if you're interested, send him a PM.
thanks again inchworm :good:

I see what you mean about liquidfry dirtying the bottom :rolleyes: ,i'm still not sure whether the fry have eaten any,

I've decided to put a little sand in the tank,although i worried about how to get the little fry out while i do this,i did end up sucking up a fry when i was trying to clean the bottom and do a water change,i only used an a piece of airline so i wouldnt suck them up and still ended up doing it!! :rolleyes:

Is it best to put sand in now or wait until there a little bigger so i can see them?
I would definitely wait until the fry have grown before adding sand. A sandless bottom will REALLY help you to see the fry and keep things clean.
Ok thanks :good:

I think i will have to use a bit of filter sponge soak in tank water to wash over the bottom,surprising what film builds up! :rolleyes:

I don't want to hurt the wee fry,its so hard to see them,i hope they survive
Hi Harlequins :)

All you need is a little sand in there. Then you can just stir it around a bit from time to time when you are doing water changes. To add it, just create a little current with your hand and push the fry over to one side while you drop in a bit of sand on the other side.

But please watch the LiquiFry. :D
Congratulations on your cory babies, they are seriously cute :good: The liquifry is icky stuff, when I used it, I found it helped to pop a drop on a clean cotton bud & use that to swish around in the water near the fry, rather than dropping the stuff directly into the tank, saved alot of the mess. The babies will eat such a tiny amount at the moment.

Good luck, I cant wait to see them grow. Cory fry are the cutest of all fishie babies I think.
Thanks :good:

Its all trial and error isnt it :rolleyes:

I've been careful with the liquidfry has it is yecky stuff,i've just started using a pipette,take a little tank water add a drop of liquidfry mix it with the water,then put the pipette into the tank close by the fry then gently squirt it near them,at least its by them and hopefully they'll eat it.
This seems not to make so much mess on the tank floor :)
I found that I had to remove detrius from the bottom of the tank every day with a bit of airline tubing so a bare bottom is probably best to start with. Mine managed with liquifry liquid and powder till they could take baby brine shrimp. If you get a pinch of liquifry powder and rub it between your fingers in the water it drops down to the bottom rather than flowting on the top of the water. You could also try hikary first bites powdered food which worked well for my galaxy rasboras which are a much smaller fish.
i did use an airline tube but still end up sucking up a fry :rolleyes:

They appear to have grown a weeny bit,i can see them a bit easier now,still got to squint though :lol:
Well i added a thin layer of sand to the tank,its actually easier to see the fry now :rolleyes:

They still seem to be alive :good:

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