Would You Ever Buy?


"A Coup D'tat"
Oct 29, 2009
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A Digital Test kit??

Say it has


And constantly show's you the readings??

Like a digital themoniter? Something like that. But a test kit version?

If they ever made one. Me personally. I Wouldd buy both. Just to see witch is safer/better..

What about you guys?

( I Know its possible to make Because if you look at the way science is evoling. Technologie Is getting better..

( Excuse my hand writing :blush: )
If they worked, then yes. If they didn't work, then no. Obviously :D

I would probably wait to hear reviews before spending the money though.
It's not an impossibility. I already keep a seachem ammonia alert in my tanks so I always have a visable marker.
it is not possible to make pH + NH3/NO2-/NO3- probe.

where i used to work, ammonia was tested by reaction of phenol under basic conditions to form a blue color which is read by a uv/vis spectrometer (kind of like the API test kit except that the color intesity is read visually in the API kit). Nitrite/Nitrate was done by HPLC using an ion eschange column (if that makes sense to the non chem minded ppl).
I used one to test 3 API test kits against the electronic equipment to test the API kits for accuracy, and now you know why I hate the API kits so much, such in consistent results.
im sure ive seen these available online somewhere recently
I've seen one of these things before. It was only for pH though. And it was supposed to be used to test the pH of potting soil... I'm not sure if it would work in a tank...
Digital pH meters are available anywhere. You can get digital meters for other things too, but the prices are verrr high and it's not like you actually need to test the water very often, if ever.
on the fluval g it measures the water conductivity which apparently changes just before an ammonia/ nitrate spike. so you would know when to change the water.
Would I? No because for me I see no point/benefit.
As a new-comer, I could see the attraction but for those experienced, I can not.

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