Would This Work


Feb 17, 2007
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hi all i am thinking of starting a nano i am goin to go for a 14 gallon tank with live rock and fish and maby the acasional coral wats sort of things would i need to start a nano tank and would i need a skimmer o and how does this lists sound

14 gallon tank
live rock
live sand

shrimp (of some sort)
4 hermits
a clown fish
tang (if it would be alright in that sized tank)
soft corals

any other suggestions would be great
I too am starting down the Nano tank / Reef tank route. I have just come back from a holiday on the Gold Coast whereby I took in a trip to Lady Elliot Island at the southern tip of The Great Barrier Reef.....bloody awesome. This is where I got my impidus to start such a project.
I have been keeping tropical freshwater killifish for over 30 years and I guess it's time to move on.
Below is a list of equipment that I am currently in the process of purchasing and as you can see I don't intend to skim at the initial outset.
I have written this to show you the path that I am following and maybe you could adapt your tank to incorporate some of the following to suit the constraints of your own personal setup and ideas.

24"x12"x18" all glass tank and cabinet

Water Movement
2 - 900ltrs per hour powerheads
1 - Eheim 2217 canister filter only for flow and loosely filled with some reef carbon and Rowaphos (phosphate remover)

3 - T5 55w compact starter units and triphosphor tubes with reflectors

1 - Jager (Eheim) 100w thermostatic heater

20kgs Cured Live Rock (Fiji)

Carib Sea Coral sand (I intend to place around 25mm substrate on the tank base)

Test kits
Red Sea Marine (all in one test lab)

Salt Mixture
I have bought a large bucket of "Red Sea Coral Pro" specially formulated for use with Reverse Osmosis water which I can also buy from my local aquarist shop.

I think that is about it really apart from the little things like buckets and backup facilities for making weekly waterchanges (spare heater, buckets, airpump and powerhead) after that there is a certain order of doing things ie, live rock....cleanup crew......inverts and fish. This all takes time and I reckon it will take me a year to achieve my goal (if that is possible) In essence "Don't rush the Job" take it nice and slow.

My goal, albeit on a smaller scale is to achive a mini reef system initally using soft corals only similar to the picture below.


I am currently researching where I can place such corals within my aquarium as some do not like being with others and will kill their rivals. I am currently lookin at the species below and as I said earlier doing a little internet research. Incidentally I purchased a good little book whilst I was in Sydney for the day entitled "Saltwater Aquarium Models" Recipes for Creating Beautiful Aquariums That Thrive by John Tullock. It cost me $29.95AUD Well worth it.

Look for species form the following,
Zoanthus sp.
Pachyclavularia sp.
Xenia sp.

I am no expert but I have been doing a lot of research and my aquarium is not yet up and running but I thought I would share with you the route that I am taking. I am fully aware that there will be trials and tribulations along the way but if I achieve anything like the tank in the photo then I will be well pleased. Also a great many thanks must go to SkiFletch on this fourm for his continual help and assistance.

By the way I spent 3 weeks down under and never run into so much as a pet shop never mind an aquarium outlet. Even in Brisbane.. I am planning another trip next year any pointers as to where to locate these illusive establishments would be much appreciated.

I hope this was of some help to you.
well i have been doining some research and i was just wandering if this would work

14 gallon tank
pinpoint salinity monitior

kauderns cardinal
bicolor pseudochromis
six line wrass
clown fish
fire fish
bicolour blenny

which of those fish would go well in my tank and also this is wat i am think for a cleanup crew

1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
4 dwarf red tip hermit crabs
4 turbo snails
1 pistol shrimp

and for corals i was thinkin toadstool mushroom corals that is all i have researched right now so could u plz give me ur thoughts on wat i have chosen
Well definitely not all those fish, as thats almoast the stocking level of my 45g ;)

If you add the bicolor pseudo, or the 6line wrasse, either fish will have the tank all to itself eventually. They will kill other tankmates in close quarters.

The rest of the fish could be mixed, but I'd try to stick to only two or three fish in a 14g, anymore and you're asking for stability problems.

BigC reccomended some great corals in that list, I'd start looking there :)
ok well i have priced everything and i should have the money in a couple of months so how does this sound
14 gallon tank
live rock

1jawfish and a clown

and some corals
You really need to go into more detail other than just "filter" or "powerhead" etc. What will you be running in your filter? What total water movement will your tank have (lph)? What lighting are you looking for? Are your growing corals? If so, what type? BUy yourself a decent reef book. You could start with this book It is very easy to understand and really introduces you to the main points of keeping a reef.
You really need to read up on this stuff. I would say aim for x20 turnover per hour. Filter aren't really used. Only really to store a phosphate remover and carbon, or to add extra flow (no media inside).

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