Would This Be Unsafe To Do While Breeding Bettas?


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
So, I really don't want a lot of bettas from my first spawn. Just a few, and I really do not want to cull a lot, so I was wondering, if I were to do the "Steal the Nest" method during the spawn, would it be safe? Like watch for 30-50 eggs to be fertilized and put in the nest, and then gentley take the nest out with a tupperware container. Would that be safe? Would it harm either of the parent bettas?
See, that too is an option, but I want to try this method, because the last time I bred bettas it ended with the male eating all the eggs. :/
the male ate all the eggs eh?

i would attempt to pull the female out early........ but i have no experience with breeding and am just taking a shot in the dark. that could be horrible advice

i would think that u may do more damage to the bubblenest and eggs trying to remove some of them, but if you were careful it might not be a bad plan. hopefully some of the betta breeders can chime in and give you a definite answer.
I would just let nature take it's course. It's likely that you'll have a smaller number from your 1st successful spawn, but you could have more. If you take the female out early, you run the risk of not having the eggs fertilized, and having a bunch of empty eggs and you just don't know it. If you leave them in there and let them finish, you should have some success. Also, you'll be using a new male, so just be sure you condition him properly and he shouldn't eat the eggs. If he does eat the eggs it could be because they aren't fertilized, or they have fungused...
I actually plan on conditioning him for over two weeks. I don't know about what I'm going to do right now, you've all given great advice, but I'm still deciding on what to do. I guess it'll just be on how I feel about it the day of the spawn.

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