Would This Be Overstocked..?


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have a 35L tank and I am considering putting:

4 rummy nose tetra (3cm)
2 endler guppy (2cm)
2 guppy (3cm)
2 cherry barb (3cm)
3 Julii catfish (3cm)
1/2 oto (3cm)

i know this is alot for a small tank, but when the fish grow bigger I WILL get a bigger tank.

is it overstocked though?

(dont tell me about the 1 inch per gallon rule, i know! but my LFS said i could have up to 15 fish in this tank)
Maybe not overstocked but you have some stocking problems.

Rummy nose will do better in 6+ shoals.

Cherry barbs do better in shoals of 6+ too and they will nip at the guppies.

Julii Cory are quite a large sensitive cory. Although still sensitive try panda or harbrosus.

again ottos prefer to be in 3's.

I'd say shoal of tetras, a few guppies, group of cories and the ottos and thats fine.
That seems like quite a lot of fish for a small tank.
I also find rummy noses to be very active so I definitely think they should be in a longer tank. And as said above many of the species you have chosen like to be in groups (and actually look better in larger groups I think).
I don't think it's a case of getting a bigger tank further down the line because the fish will grow too big, I don't think any of those fish will grow significantly bigger than usual selling size: if you're going to be upgrading in the future then why not just buy a bigger tank just now or only stock a few of your species now and the rest in the bigger tank?
That seems like quite a lot of fish for a small tank.
I also find rummy noses to be very active so I definitely think they should be in a longer tank. And as said above many of the species you have chosen like to be in groups (and actually look better in larger groups I think).
I don't think it's a case of getting a bigger tank further down the line because the fish will grow too big, I don't think any of those fish will grow significantly bigger than usual selling size: if you're going to be upgrading in the future then why not just buy a bigger tank just now or only stock a few of your species now and the rest in the bigger tank?

I already have the tank - it is my first and I got it as a birthday present. I have all the fish in now.

I have a pair of M/F cherry barb and they are fine with the guppies!

The tank is quite long so I think the rummy's are Ok.

And I can't afford to get a bigger tank yet. :unsure: so I will have to wait a few months.
I do have a 15L I could put something in if anything goes wrong, its all set up..


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