Would This Be Ok Soil For Future Plannted Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2012
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I think its miricle grow compost i was wondering if i could put this under my sand and the plants would grow better or should i use all sand
Yes it would certainly need a top layer to stop the water clouding constantly. Sand would be sufficient.
No problems. What size tank are you setting up? Are you using carbon and ferts?
No problems. What size tank are you setting up? Are you using carbon and ferts?
Its a 64 litre aquarium its my first ( i bought that 1 and a 25 litre at the same time and added fish to it straight away so i am waiting till the little tank is cycled so i can move them into it and fishless cycle that big tank ) and i dont know that much about it i am trying to ask people but prople are not replying could u help pl
You need to be a bit careful with composts... you need to have a good read of the labels and check that the soil doesn't include added fertiliser, manure, lime, peat or wood chips.
I am fairly new to planted tanks myself. I have a 30l which I use liquid carbon and tpn+ for the ferts. I dose around 1.5 ml per day as I have quite high wattage of lighting (24w). Best bet would be to decide a) if you can afford the time and money to get the extra equipment and b) what plants you actually want. If you want plants like annubis, java fern, vallis etc then you will not need the carbon and ferts. On the other hand, if you want to go full out with Hemianthus Callitrichoides or Pogostemon Helferi as a carpet plant then you will need the extras.

Once you have decided on the final product you want, have a look through the planted forum (bit further down on the main page) and ask there. Everyone there is friendly enough :good:

The other option is to use cat litter as a clay layer then top it with something like JBL Mandano. The clay texture absorbs nutrients and releases them slowly over time.
I am fairly new to planted tanks myself. I have a 30l which I use liquid carbon and tpn+ for the ferts. I dose around 1.5 ml per day as I have quite high wattage of lighting (24w). Best bet would be to decide a) if you can afford the time and money to get the extra equipment and b) what plants you actually want. If you want plants like annubis, java fern, vallis etc then you will not need the carbon and ferts. On the other hand, if you want to go full out with Hemianthus Callitrichoides or Pogostemon Helferi as a carpet plant then you will need the extras.

Once you have decided on the final product you want, have a look through the planted forum (bit further down on the main page) and ask there. Everyone there is friendly enough :good:

The other option is to use cat litter as a clay layer then top it with something like JBL Mandano. The clay texture absorbs nutrients and releases them slowly over time.
Thanka and i will have a loom just mow i was wanting java moss some small plants like grass i dont know what it is called i would like a carpet bit anubias andd that sword plant sorryy i dont know names that well
If you choose your carpet plant wisely, then you may get away with justa basic fertiliser for those kind of plants.
i was wanting java moss some small plants like grass i dont know what it is called i would like a carpet bit anubias andd that sword plant sorryy i dont know names that well
none of tose will need ferts, really. and I wouldnt use dirt compost stuff in an aquarium. Sounds like a god awful idea. Tere are plenty of oter options tat would be muc safer. Also, Amazon Swords can get really freakin gigantic. try sometin else imo.
If you use compost then yes. Some aquatic plants prefer to take it in through their leaves rather than their roots though so a liquid suppliment is sometimes advisable.
If you use compost then yes. Some aquatic plants prefer to take it in through their leaves rather than their roots though so a liquid suppliment is sometimes advisable.
I mite just stick with samd i have a tub with sand and dechlorinated water with trumpet snail in it for my tank are they not also good because theale air under the sand for the plant roots ?

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