Alright guys, this is my first little project, I know it's not a betta but I had to get a feel for shapes and such so I just made this cute little one, it's my own, I didn't use a pattern or anything.
Let me know what you think, and on tropical chit chat there will be a contest so reply to the topic thread and your name will go in a cup and someone will be pulled, and I'll pay shipping as well. Tell me what you guys think of it, and I am going to get Fimo soon, so I can make actual bettas and much much more!
Hi guys,
I got Fimo today and will be working on those shortly, I have a great feeling about it, I think I'll be able to make some good bettas with it. I'll let you know and show you pics as soon as I get them going!
for some reason the contest isn't there anymore....
Sorry guys apparently I can't do the contest. I guess I will make a section on buy swap and sell with some necklaces to start, but I would love to know how much you guys think this one so far is worth.