would love some Betta Fish advice

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Just get one male betta is my advice. Add a Nerite snail or two would be perfect. I have on four occasions added shrimp to a betta tank. Twice the shrimp lived happily with the bettas with no problem whatsoever. Twice all of the shrimp were murdered almost immediately.
Thank you for all the advice. Can anyone advise on Betta fish diet? Is there a specific kind you've found works well?
They have small mouths and feed from the surface. A floating micro pellet like Hikari's work well. Be careful not to over feed as they don't know when to stop! They enjoy blood worms but this often causes them digestive problems so I would avoid these altogether.
Hi everyone! We have had our male betta (called Guiliano) in a heavily planted tank for around 3 weeks now. The breeder advised he didn't sell female Betta, which is why we got a boy. He seems to be thriving and is really lively and playful. Thank you so much for all your advice!
Yayyyy! So glad he’s doing well! Would loveeeeee to see photos!
My camera isn't the best, but here he is. We love his wee personality! There was some damage to his fins when we got him, so they were really very small, but they've grown loads even in just the three weeks we've had him.


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  • Guiliano.jpg
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