We have 4 confirmed Ghost shrimp now and they are an absolute blast to watch. We would love to add 4 or 5 more but in a tank that is already close to max, once everyone grows up, I'm concerned that they will add more waste than clean.
For referance tank is a 25G Eclipse with 6 Tiger Barbs, 1 Pleco ( yes I know he will move to a 55G this spring) 1 Pictus Cat, 2 Powder Blue Gouramis, 2 Mystery snails, 4 Ghost shrimp and 8-12 TINY snails.
For referance tank is a 25G Eclipse with 6 Tiger Barbs, 1 Pleco ( yes I know he will move to a 55G this spring) 1 Pictus Cat, 2 Powder Blue Gouramis, 2 Mystery snails, 4 Ghost shrimp and 8-12 TINY snails.