Would like info about Elephant Nose


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Hey ya'll I got a African butterfly (Pantodon buchholzi) :wub: that is about 3 inches long today for about 5 dollars, and I seen an Elephant nose (Gnathonemus petersii). It was priced around 10 dollars and was around 4-5 inches long already, is this a good price, and does anyone have information about this fish :huh: ....

dps :devil:
I love my African butterfly, they are so cool too watch eat. 3 inches long is a good size african butterfly to start out with.
The elephant nose is an interesting fish, I have come so close to buying one, but instead bought a Black Ghost Knife instead, but they are very similar. The elephantnose will need good water quality, nothing crazy good, just make sure that you keep up with water changes. Keep in mind that the elephantnose fish don't have scales but have more of a "skin". This makes it very hard to medicate the tank with many types of meds because it can harm them. Should be cool too watch the elephant and the butterfly, you may want to look into a mid level dweller? Such as a Needlefish (NOT NEEDLENOSE GAR) NOTE:Needlefish must be fed live food like rosies. I have kept mine with my African Butterfly and they get along fine. The needlefish is a great addition to a tank laking midlevel dwellers because they are always visible and give you something to look at since they don't hide. Something to think about as far as lighting- I would think about putting an actinic or 50/50 bulb on your tank to bring the lighting to a more subdude level, since the elephantnose will like it darker and my African Butterfly and my needlefish are more active with my actinic bulb on my tank. Have fun with your good selection of oddballs
I have an elephant nose in my tank that also has a couple of African butterfly fish in it, and I've had no problem with keeping them together at all.
My elephant nose cost about £11 which I think is around $17, so you either have a bargain there or I was ripped off. :p
When I first got him he was quite aggresive towards the other fish, but this settled down after a day or so. Now they all get on fine. You just need to make sure he has a cave to call his own.
As far as caring for them goes, they won't eat flake so you'll need to supply them with regular live food- bloodworm seems to be his favourite. Also, because their noses are quite delicate, its a good idea to put a patch of sand into the tank so he can burrow his nose in it without hurting himself.
Hope this helps :) :)
The butterfly will tend to stay at the top of your tank, of course, where as they elephant will usuallu occupy the bottom portion. as long as your tank is large enough they shouldn't care about the others existance.

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