have you ever kept marine fish? because treating freshwater white spot is 1 million times easier than salt water. and most salt water treatments require elaborate steps in order to save livestock.
What's that got to do with the price of butter? How easy or difficult a situation is has nothing to do with this topic at all.
from the past week or so
Exactly, from a week. That's not really many. And putting them in an emergency section wouldn't make a lot of difference. Now, it seems to me that the term 'logical arguement' should really be showing it's head...
- Firstly, an extra section would surely reduce the response time, given than regular posters will have multiple forums to check for new posts? This can easily be seen with the standard emergency section- if, for example, there was a betta emergency in there, then the appropriate person would most likely be in the betta section, and either delay answering the problem or miss it altogether.
- Similar to the above, many people don't bother to check the emergency sections as to whether they can answer. Again, seen in normal emergency section where there's the same couple of people as opposed to the whole range of people who frequent the general section. This will be amplified by the low traffic.
Currently, I would say the SW emergency needs are being sufficiently met in the general marine section. If this changes in the future, if we have a random massive influx of SW keepers, then possibly, but for now? It would just be yet more dividing the forum and reducing it's efficiency.
There is definitely a trend in this forum to agree with anything that gets suggested, regardless of the logic and reasoning that says otherwise.