Would It Be Possible To Have A Section Dedicated To Marine Fish Emerge


Dec 21, 2006
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Derbyshire, United Kingdom
as some are aware, its not just freshwater fish that can get disease and illnesses, it occurs in marine fish too. would this be a preposterous suggestion/question... but is it possible for us to have a 'marine emergencies' section?

i see a few posts a day with people having emergencies in the chit chat area, but its not chit chat is it?

what are peoples opinions on this?

as marine treatment is a lot more complex than freshwater.
Are the emergency questions not getting answered in the chit chat section?
Are the emergency questions not getting answered in the chit chat section?
yes and no, i think peoples questions would get more replies in a section that is dedicated to marine fish. because iit would be mainly those that know about treatments, in there, so IMO yo would get a better response from someone that knows what theyre on about
Very good idea idea actually Truck. Emergencies at the moment get lost in any section not just chit chat. Would be extremely useful in my opininion.

Some choose the nano forum if a nanoo tank, some choose saltwater fish if emergency relates to fish, likewise with Invertebrates / corals and also with hardware. Would be very useful to be all in one place and as Truck says, people who know what to do ina an emergency would frequent that forum often. With the chit chat section, there a quite a few posts a day and an emergency can quickly drop down the list making it not as noticable.

Good One :good:
Would it be worth it? Probably not.


I've had a look at both the usual Emergency section and the SW general section, and haven't seen anything that I'd class as an emergency. Hence, it would just be creating another low traffic subforum. It wouldn't get looked at by potential answer-ers any more than the general section, and therefore you wouldn't get a quicker, or better, response. If anything, the opposite is true.
Would it be worth it? Probably not.


I've had a look at both the usual Emergency section and the SW general section, and haven't seen anything that I'd class as an emergency. Hence, it would just be creating another low traffic subforum. It wouldn't get looked at by potential answer-ers any more than the general section, and therefore you wouldn't get a quicker, or better, response. If anything, the opposite is true.
have you ever kept marine fish? because treating freshwater white spot is 1 million times easier than salt water. and most salt water treatments require elaborate steps in order to save livestock.

there have been quite a few emergencies this week (marine), high nitrates, white spot, fish are sick because electricity went out, coral retardation, shrimps eating corals, if you havent kept saltwater fish,inverts you have no clue how stressful it can be to sort out problems. it can be very difficult finding the right advice, and if we had a forum dedicated to 'marine emergencies' there wouldnt be emergencies, scattered around different salt water boards.
I agree with truck. A seporate marine emergencies section would allow those that need urgent help to get it urgently, as all such urgent posts would be in one place. While my Marine knowlage is limited ATM, I have experience with many emergency situations courtesy of my experience at work e.t.c and is one of a few areas where I feel I could help more effectively with.

There are a fair few marine emergencies, you just need to know where to look. The fact that you could not find any OohFeesy is likely testiment to the need for such a section...

All the best
have you ever kept marine fish? because treating freshwater white spot is 1 million times easier than salt water. and most salt water treatments require elaborate steps in order to save livestock.

What's that got to do with the price of butter? How easy or difficult a situation is has nothing to do with this topic at all.

from the past week or so


Exactly, from a week. That's not really many. And putting them in an emergency section wouldn't make a lot of difference. Now, it seems to me that the term 'logical arguement' should really be showing it's head...

  • Firstly, an extra section would surely reduce the response time, given than regular posters will have multiple forums to check for new posts? This can easily be seen with the standard emergency section- if, for example, there was a betta emergency in there, then the appropriate person would most likely be in the betta section, and either delay answering the problem or miss it altogether.
  • Similar to the above, many people don't bother to check the emergency sections as to whether they can answer. Again, seen in normal emergency section where there's the same couple of people as opposed to the whole range of people who frequent the general section. This will be amplified by the low traffic.

Currently, I would say the SW emergency needs are being sufficiently met in the general marine section. If this changes in the future, if we have a random massive influx of SW keepers, then possibly, but for now? It would just be yet more dividing the forum and reducing it's efficiency.

There is definitely a trend in this forum to agree with anything that gets suggested, regardless of the logic and reasoning that says otherwise.
have you ever kept marine fish? because treating freshwater white spot is 1 million times easier than salt water. and most salt water treatments require elaborate steps in order to save livestock.

What's that got to do with the price of butter? How easy or difficult a situation is has nothing to do with this topic at all.

from the past week or so


Exactly, from a week. That's not really many. And putting them in an emergency section wouldn't make a lot of difference. Now, it seems to me that the term 'logical arguement' should really be showing it's head...

  • Firstly, an extra section would surely reduce the response time, given than regular posters will have multiple forums to check for new posts? This can easily be seen with the standard emergency section- if, for example, there was a betta emergency in there, then the appropriate person would most likely be in the betta section, and either delay answering the problem or miss it altogether.
  • Similar to the above, many people don't bother to check the emergency sections as to whether they can answer. Again, seen in normal emergency section where there's the same couple of people as opposed to the whole range of people who frequent the general section. This will be amplified by the low traffic.

Currently, I would say the SW emergency needs are being sufficiently met in the general marine section. If this changes in the future, if we have a random massive influx of SW keepers, then possibly, but for now? It would just be yet more dividing the forum and reducing it's efficiency.

There is definitely a trend in this forum to agree with anything that gets suggested, regardless of the logic and reasoning that says otherwise.
there has been a massive influx of marine keepers recently.
but emergency threads are scattered around the salt water board. and having them in a precise area will be more convenient for those helping as they will know which board it was posted on etc, also if theyre helping out in a topic, and they spot another topic that they can help with in the special section, you automatically get a better chance of getting a helpful reply.
Do you though? There's no guarentee that people will actually post an emergency in an emergency section rather than elsewhere, and if it does go elsewhere there's less mod activity to spot it and move it. I still maintain you are more likely to get a helpful response in the chit chat area, the traffic will be higher (which you can't dispute) and hence response will be more likely and faster.
Another reason for all marine emergensies to be in the same sub forum is if you are browsing trying to find someone that ha had a similar problem to you. At the moment you need to look through all forums. I know there is a search facility, however with misspellings that are very common and very different titles, these do not always come up.

I still agree with Truck and Rabbut, as I would guess, many of the marine regulars would.
@ oohfeeshy...i dont think it would reduce the boards efficiency at all! if anything it will be better because you get the info where you want it.

it may well be a low traffic board but isnt the brackish and oddballs a low traffic board? i mean your lucky to get one post a day. where as IMO a marine one would be more popular than brackish/oddball.

have any mods seen this yet? i wonder if it could be debated upstairs?

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