Would I Be Able To Keep A Jack Dempsy...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2008
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I was wondering, because JD's are so cool looking, if I could keep just one in a 16 gallon tank with one Gourami, 4 Mollies, 1 Pleco, 5 Danios, and 1 Guppy?

I have read they can be aggressive, but it never hurts to ask.
First of all that tank is no where near big enough for a JD. With the proper dimensions a 40 gallon would be minimum.

I can't think of a single fish on that list that would be compatable with a JD, they would all get shredded eventually.
no a jack dempsey alone needs at least 45gal for one fish and they do not go with community fish at all they will almost certinly kill/eat them all i have mine in a 55gal with a blue acara and a salvini and i think thats pushing it for stocking
well i wouldnt put an adult in anything smaller than 38" long they do actually need swimming space
The size isnt the issue here really is it, obviously the larger the tank the better, but the fact is, that a JD is NOT compatible with any of those fish, unless you dont want the other fish to live of course :)
mine is in a 100cm tank with a young salvini and a blue acara all between 2-4"
Agreed. Granted the tank size is definitely an issue...but the immediate issue is that the JD will destroy anything in a community tank. Never hurts to ask though right?
beside the JD not being compatible, the tank is at its stocking limit already - that pleco will have to be rehomed asap...

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