Would A Fo System Be Better For A Beginner?

I'd recommend adding all the LR and sand at once so you don't risk additional cycling with the introduction of new rock. Some hobbyists add it in stages for financial reasons though, but care should be taken to insure the new rock is well cured.

Many people believe live sand is a waste of money and simply use arrogonite. Since live sand may sit on a shelf for months, there is a question on how live it really is. Regular arrogonite will become live over time anyway.

When setting up a tank, rock should be placed in the tank first and sand added once the rock is in place. Since rock will sink into the sand over time due to inhabitants digging and general settling, placing the rock on the bottom significantly reduces the risk of a rock slide at a later date. Some hobbyists use PVC or eggcrate under the rock to protect the tank bottom. Others will tell you this creates detritus traps. Personally, I placed the rock first and then added the arrogonite and haven't had any problems in the 9 months I've had my tank.

Well, my questions are answered for now, so I guess I'll just keep reading journals and such until I'm able to gather all of the supplies I'd need.

Many people believe live sand is a waste of money and simply use arrogonite. Since live sand may sit on a shelf for months, there is a question on how live it really is. Regular arrogonite will become live over time anyway.

I bought some Arag-alive LS recently and found a small LIVE brittle in there and since adding I have also seen other tiny organisms/brittle stars in the sand but they tend to stay hidden underneath the sand! IMO/IME I'd recommend getting a abg or 2 of LS and mixing it with regular arrogonite (i used coral sand) and adding to tank a day or 2 after having added your LR, it worked fine for me! :good:
it depends on how old the bag is 1entra. If you paid all that extra money for only a brittle star and worms, i would call it a waste of money since live rock is full of that stuff, worms and mini stars.
Definitely order plain aragonite. The only "live" sand really worth it IMO is sand coming from a fellow reefkeeper's tank in your local area. Otherwise, buy plain aragonite and let the critters from the LR seed the sand bed.

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