Worth It?


Fish Addict
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
So I've been posting WTB adds for ages trying to get some cheap tanks, and had come to teh conclusion that either a) no one owns fish in my area or B) they are way to stingy and won't sell their tanks cheap LOL.

Anyway I just got an email from a lady who wants to get rid of her tank, the price is reasonable in my opinion, but what do you think

For $60AU (about $50 US)
1 75cm x 35 cm x 45 cm (30"x14"x18") glass tank, has a brace, but no lids
1 Aquaclear 200 (now Aquaclear 50) approx 5 years old :unsure:
1 air pump (no specs)
1 Castle ornament
1 ship ornament
Gravel marbles etc
and some other bits'n'pieces.

The filter by itself retails for about $65 around here, the tank for about $100, the ornaments would be worth bout $50 (god knows why, I haven't seen a nice castle/ship ornament yet)

From what I can gather this set up is about 4-5 years old, and hasn't been used in a while. I've been after a 30g tank to move my tetras too, and was looking at buying one brand new, just the glass tank for $100

So any opinions?
If the tank's in good condition it probably can't hurt! Just my opinion. lol. It sounds like a good deal, what's the tank capacity (too lazy to do maths)
It works out to be 30g, I think her measurements are a tad off, as unless someone in the area is making custom tanks, this should be standard 29g since its only 75cm long.
i reckon you should go for it and i am suprised you have found someone that is goign to sell you a tank that cheap as tanks are very expensive in australia ,for some reason
For 60 bucks you can't go too wrong, particularly here is Oz.

Looking at your profile however, you seem to be have an acute case of MTS already!
LOL, yah though I've decided I won't have anymore then 5 tanks, 1 pond. I just got to upgrade from now on LOL, this will be an upgrade for my black widows if I get it.
Well she sent through some pics, I must say I almost fell over when I saw them LOL. She's happy to get rid of everything in the tank, so heres the deal now I've seen it LOL

the 30g tank, which has some cracks in the pieces of glass used to hold the lids in place, since they aren't structural support, it doesn't really matter, the tank also has metal inserts on the sides, making me think its either an older tank or one of those overpriced aqua one tanks.
A rather nice castle ornament, never thought I'd see one that actually looked good LOL
A ship ornament (not my type of thing LOL)
A lot of glass vases filled with marbles LOL
White gravel
an Aqua clear 200
Air pump
Some sort of rock decoration
A classic bridge decoration.

The pics she sent also had two black moores and some random tetra/minnow/danio in them as well, am just double checking as to whether or not the fish come with it. The way shes referred to the tank makes me think she's getting out of the hobby, but the fact she has a such a good tank for just two goldfish.... Hmm I dunno LOL. Ah well if they do come with it, they can always go in the pond.

But looking at all the stuff, at a guess I'd say the ornaments are easily worth $60 without including the glass vases, marbles, air pump and filter. Then add the tank in as well, tis a steal LOL.
So if I get this (looks like I will, Mum has okayed it, just need to check about the fish), would this work for stock?
10 x black widow tetras
6 x Kuhli loaches
1 x German blue ram/Bolivian ram

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