after all your lovely commentsThe power supply he has used has a proper EI core transformer in it. An RCD would do nothing for protection as the secondary is fully isolated from the primary.
Get some current limiting on those LEDs swiftly though - they will not last long as you have them. Those transformers are notorious for being poorly regulated (if at all!)
He has wired the LEDs in parallel so one LED failure will not cause the others to fail, although they will all fail anyway because they're being overdriven!!
A transformer is NEVER a guarantee of ABSOLUTE safety... less so when you employ the cheapest rubbish the inevitable far east manufacturer has put in there ! A primary/secondary fault WOULD cause mains voltage to appear at the LEDs, AND in your tank water... This could be caused by overheating of the PSU, a fault in the wiring causing a short... etc etc - so there is STILL a NEED for an RCD.
Because they are wired in parellel, they are all sharing the load, so if one pops the others will suffer a voltage spike at best - at worst the voltage will jump up due to the drop in current. (more so if the PSU is not regulated... and by regulated, I DO NOT mean the crappy zener that cheapo units use !)

i think i have it sorted?
out goes the transformer and in goes the solar pannel
ive got 1 that runs about 40 white leds at 3v for about 4 to 5 hours in winter ,8 to 10 hours in summer
with only 5 leds i hope they will run for longer,switch on at dusk ,off at dawm
job for the weekend
thanks again for all your useful info