Fish Crazy
About 4 years ago when I was young and careless
Me and my mum went to an lfs and were looking for new fish to put in my tank, my mum saw one that was really pretty and bought it for me. One by one over a small amount of time my neon tetras disappeared. When I looked this mystery fish up I realised it was a jewel cichlid and we gave it to our next door neighbour who had a cichlid tank. I've wanted a tank for cichlids ever since but I could never afford to get a new tank and we don't have the room, plus I love my community tank
I also used to have a butterfly fish which resulted in the loss of yet more neon tetras, I'm surprised more of my fish didn't get eaten from either one of these incidents, but I guess the neons will always be vulnerable
When I look back on those mistakes I made I cringe, what stupid things to do!
) But then looks like most of us made some pretty big mistakes we'd never make now 

I also used to have a butterfly fish which resulted in the loss of yet more neon tetras, I'm surprised more of my fish didn't get eaten from either one of these incidents, but I guess the neons will always be vulnerable

When I look back on those mistakes I made I cringe, what stupid things to do!