Worst Fish

I used to have two Tiger barbs - they seemed to eat all the food, kill all my smaller fish and were the last to die.

Blackmoore goldfish are a pain too, they can have problems with their eyes and again, the poor little git lived for ages (in his blind state).

An angel fish I used to have definately did not live up to it's name - it ate virtually everything (apart from barbs) and then became a snack itself!!
Common pleco - ugly, massive, messy, uneffective.

I think a lot of fish are lables as 'bad' under this thread because they were kept improperly - not fair to blame the fish!
In regards to the 10 worst fish to keep, the two you referred to (the pirahna and the gar) are difficult for beginners and novices.
Nobody realizes the immense sizes they attain and vicious attitudes they have toward possible tankmates.

I read either the same or a similar article, and most the other fish in it had different reasons for being difficult.
Ofcourse there are the fish that get huge and outgrow tanks easily.
Their are fish that are very sensitve to water quality.
And there are fish that are just plain difficult to keep with other fish.

Cowfish for example are known to be very difficult to keep because if it feels threatened it will emitt a poison that kills all including itself.

Or puffers, freshwater and marine, some get huge, and others are just plain nasty, eating other fish that are three times their size.
In my personal experience, i had a little figure 8 puffer that was the size of are quarter, and an oscar that was a good 6 inches.
I made the mistake of putting them together.
The oscar had a go at the puffer 4 times, until he gave up.
He couldn't swallow the puffer, but something happened to him.
4 minutes later the oscar died :( and i don't know why, but the puffer lived afterwards.
Golden CAE, had it over a year ago but it killed many of my fish and my lfs's refused to have it so i stayed killing fish in my tank at the time for a long before i finally got it a tank of its own and then a then shortly after it died in a power cut.
I keep them fine now, but panda corys used to die alot on me in the past too especially when i had internal bacteria outbreak in one of my tanks a while back and 4 of them died over night within hours of showing the desease and despite me treating the tank.
I find now that they last alot longer when you only buy one every 2weeks and not all at once, i havn't lost any since i have been doing that.
With the piranha and gar, it wasn't that they were kept in too small of a tank. Or I just plan couldn't kepp them alive or anything. I had a gar for a year and two 6 inxh red belly piranhas for a year. They were crazy, boring, and un predictable. They would flip out over the smallest thing... And trying to take them out of the fish tank and back to the LFS... It was as if they knew where they were going. The gar came so close to catching my index finger that I nearly had a hear tattack.

I am in class as of now, but once I get off work tonight, I will post the topic about the top 10 worst fish.
I've never had trouble keeping tiger barbs, but tiger LOACHES; they are homicidal maniacs. I keep mine in a species only tank but there is one who rules the roost and has killed two of his own kind. When I experimented with removing him and keeping him in isolation, one of the others emerged to take over his role as tank terrorist. This is the one fish I am cnsidering bringing in to the LFS for a trade-in.
I remember inheriting a catfish from my aunt, I think it was called an atlantic catfish? Well it grow very large and ate half my goldfish, as a kid I wasn't too pleased. I remember coming home from school and finding it with half a fish sticking out of it;s mouth! :angry:
Guppies. Look nice, but waaaay too inbred. Can have a slighty 'mutant' look about them to sometimes, very disproportionate.
The Bumblebee Catfish (Batrochoglanis raninus).

I found him at a shop notorious for getting fish in with their orders and having no idea what they were. I looked at him, thought he might be this guy, but not sure. I didnt' want to see him go home with someone that would have no idea about him so I decided to get him out of there, see what he was, and if he turned out to be the fish eating nightmare, I had another shop that I knew would happily take him off my hands. He was about 3 inches long when I got him and seemed harmless enough. I put him in the tank with two adult gouramis, some livebearers, and some hatchetfish.

For the first month, all was good. No fish missing. He grew about an inch or so. Then one day, a platy went missing and the catfish was sitting there looking happy and fat. Then a few more went missing. One of the hatchetfish was the last straw. He had doubled in size in the two months I had him and eaten most of my smaller fish. He confirmed for me what he was and I rehomed him, much to the delight of one of the clerks at the shop who took him home.

He was a very cool cat, and if I'd had a spare tank he could have all to himself, or if I had no small fish, I might have kept him. He was fascinating to watch.
Saltwater: Blue Damsels. I love mine, but they really limit what you can do with a tank because they don't get along with anything else, and unless you have a very large tank, they typically don't even get along with eachother. It's not so much that they're the "Worst", they're just limiting, IMO.

Freshwater: I really haven't met a freshwater fish I haven't liked yet. Although, I'm kind of bitter on livebearers and swear up and down I'll never own another one because I got so frusterated with being overrun with platy fry. ;)

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