Dark Water - Man, what a snoozefest. It was basically a remake of the ring, but boring to the third power, minus creepy special effects. I'm really getting sick of these movies about creepy, angsty little spirits of dead children. Yes, dead kids are creepy. I get it. Maybe we could start on dead old people or teenagers for the next group. Just quit it with the kids allready.
Or perhaps they should deal with evil dead family pets! Now that's a new horror genre! Attack of the Vampire killer pomeranians (Best part about Blade Trinity , another lousy movie)! Yeah, I'm kind of sick of the creepy dead kid theme too. Worked with The Others , now it's getting very old. They're such mean little buggers too! Hated Dark Water too. Felt very sorry for Jennifer Connelly. She goes from A Dangerous Mind to Dark Water. Kind of like Halle Berry, from Monsters Ball to Catwoman . What was the woman thinking?