worried about new betta

semper fi

mrs southeast michigan 2005
Sep 12, 2002
Reaction score
knee deep in fish poo
i got some of the bettas that i ordered in yesterday. i took out all the bags and acclimatized them. while i was acclimatizing them i fed them some bloodworms about 3 hours into it. all ate hungrily!

last night i fed them 2 pellets each. one of the males though would not eat and he looked rather pale. after 15 minutes of him not touching the pellets, he did nose them though, i removed them from the tank. this morning i also fed them the pellets again and removed them when he did not eat it.

this afternoon i fed them 3 bloodworms each. he did gobble down the bloodworms. got a little bit of color and about 15 minutes later faded again. he just kinda hangs out in the water. his neighbors are flaring at him and he just turns away. i feel bad for the guy. the other males are colored up, eating everything given to them and flaring. two are even building bubblenests.

of the eight, five came from one breeder and 3 from another. he is from the group of 3. i did email her this morning and she says that she only feeds bloodworms and bbs to her bettas. do you think he is just a picky eater? or could something be wrong with him? it's hard to tell since i just got them and i don't know how he normally is.

Hi Semper,

I just got the betta I ordered from Indonesia yesterday. He's only eating BW (won't take pellets) and is very pale. He's supposed to be black but he is a light shade of gray right now, with horizontal stripes. I added some salt and have been watching him closely.

He could be a picky eater or maybe he's just exhausted from the trip. I'd just keep a close eye on him and get some Bettamax if he doesn't improve soon.

Hope that helps a little. :/
Awwwwwwww poor thing semp! Maybe its his water?? He's prolly still stressed out *gives semper a hug* its gonna be okay *pats semper on the back* now just go back to chat! lols! He's just sterssed i think
he is pale in color, but no stress stripes. just kinda listless. i don't have a problem medicating him, but i don't want to if there is nothing wrong and this is just his temperament.

i think i got stress stripes now!
Awwwww its okay semper! *gives semper a hug and some hot chocolate and a big big big chocolate chip cookie to nibble at so that semper will just chill* all new bought bettas are like that I mean, if you were suddenly adopted by a theif or someone, could you sleep? I dont think soo semp!
:sad: Awwww Semper, thats a bummer.... Maybe its stressed out from the trip it happens.... Just give it some time and I am sure it will bounce back in no time.... I would recommend you buy some Indian Almound leaf, I am telling ya, it does wonders. I bought a Plakat the day, he came home all droopy, he didnt really touch his food. Put in some indian almound leaf and in 3 days BAM!! He was eatting, flaring and the colors look awesome. I would recommend using Indian almound leafs before using meds anyday. Keep us posted Semperdoodle

Is he in constant view of the other bettas? If so, he may feel intimidated... if you can isolate him for a bit, it may help him adjust better to his new surroundings.

GL :thumbs:
Honestly,he's probably never seen a pellet in his life. Most overseas or homegorown betta are used to being fed frozen or live (most likely live from overseas) I have some that don't even know what to think of them. Other's used to not eat them but now they do because they've made it clear to me that pellets are ok....just not what they prefer.

His paleness is probably just exhaustion,as everybody already said.

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