Worried About My Peppereds


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
So, last weekend I moved all my community fish to a bigger tank.
Now, the peppereds spawn regular anyway, so I was not surprised that the first thing they started doing was spawning.
Only they've been spawning EVERY DAY since I moved them.
There's 3 females but only 1 really gets the attention of the 2 boys.
I'm worried that the poor girl is going to get worn out. Surely this much spawning can't be normal?
It definitely seems to be the males that instigate the whole thing. She'll be quitely eating and suddenly there's a male on her head vibrating against her like there's no tomorrow :hyper:
No, they just keep doing it :unsure:
In their old tank they spawned every 2-3 weeks and spawning usually lasted a day at most.
Since moving house it's non-stop :blush:
humm well i have had my coryies for about 3 weeks and i belive i have 2 males and 1 female so i will see what happens
They are obviously happy, mine spawn (C.Trilineatus)every 3-4 days,but platies are too quick for me to rescue the eggs!! :rolleyes:
Rather than feel sorry for her, maybe you should be envious! lol
LOL - not sure about being envious of suddenly finding a male on your head when you're trying to eat - eek!
They seem to have taken a break since yesterday.

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