Worried About My New Guinea Pig


New Member
Jul 29, 2009
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I used to have guineas when I was little, and I have been lonely in my new apartment so I went and got a guinea who I named Daisy :)

I love my Daisy pig, but I am kind of worried about her. Every time I take her out she gets really hot... Like would be feverish if she was a person. She is normally sitting there making noises while eating the lettuce I offer her... Tonight she was hot and when I put her back she sneezed once. She has also been resting more today than usual. I haven't heard her sneeze any other time and while I had her out I checked her nose and it was clear.

I might just be making a mountain out of a molehill, but am I stressing my pig into being sick? Should I just leave her go for a day or so? I have been taking her out for at least 10 mins every day to try and get her used to being handled.

I am not sure how I should be treating my pig as animal keeping as a child is different...

Can some experienced pig owners let me know what I should be doing for her and what I should look for illness-wise? Or other things that should cause worry.


Edit: I just refilled her timothy hay and she popcorned a few times :) I love jumping baby pigs.

Oh btw, here is a picture of her :) She is just a little pig!
I used to have guineas when I was little, and I have been lonely in my new apartment so I went and got a guinea who I named Daisy :)

I love my Daisy pig, but I am kind of worried about her. Every time I take her out she gets really hot... Like would be feverish if she was a person. She is normally sitting there making noises while eating the lettuce I offer her... Tonight she was hot and when I put her back she sneezed once. She has also been resting more today than usual. I haven't heard her sneeze any other time and while I had her out I checked her nose and it was clear.

I might just be making a mountain out of a molehill, but am I stressing my pig into being sick? Should I just leave her go for a day or so? I have been taking her out for at least 10 mins every day to try and get her used to being handled.

I am not sure how I should be treating my pig as animal keeping as a child is different...

Can some experienced pig owners let me know what I should be doing for her and what I should look for illness-wise? Or other things that should cause worry.


Edit: I just refilled her timothy hay and she popcorned a few times :) I love jumping baby pigs.

Oh btw, here is a picture of her :) She is just a little pig!
If you would like to have a ton of information on the care and upkeep of Guinea pigs go on (www. guineapigcages.com), there is a forum on there that you can join, it gives you all the info on food, housing and any other care you would need. This was one of the places I used to always visit when I had mine, very well done as this site is and they are very serious on there guinea pig care. Hope this helps.
guinea pigs should not be kept alone im afraid she would be much more happy if you got another the same gender
scot :)
Seconded, she may be stressed from being alone. They must be kept it pairs at least or its a bit cruel, sorry!
I was going to get another, but when I got her, she had chunks taken out of both ears and wasn't allowed near the food bowl and thus was pretty skinny. I have no idea which pig in the enclosure if any was doing that to her so I thought I would bring her home and let her settle in before I went and got another. I guess she wants a friend now...
I think having another guinea pig would be probably better but if you keep her where she can be with you in the same room most of the time and get your attention I think that would probably be O.K. We kept Charlotte down in our living room where we all spent most of our time together and she was always excited to be around us, of course the kids and myself held her alot so she became very sweet and a member of the family, she would even come when we called her by name. She was pretty spoiled she got green/red/yellow/orange peppers, 1-2 baby carrots a day, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, celantro (which she loved), parsley, apples, red/green lettuce, cucumber, broccoli and a few more odds and ends not counting her pellets, timothy hay and alfalfa hay.
have you taken her to a vet? its a good idea anyway when you get a new pet like a guinea pig or rabbit to ahve them looked at and any worries looked at.

as for her being lonely and its cruel to keep them alone i have to disagree...we have had many guinea pigs over the years and some have had to be alone..they were all quite happy and bonded more with us humans.

she may have a cold, take her to a vet even if its just for peace of mind.
no guinea pigs DO need company of their own kind if you care to read the RSPCA website care sheet for them it will tell you there
scot :)
I agree GPs def need company of their own kind. They are herd animals so should be kept with at least 1 more GP.
You do occasionaly get one that wont live in the same cage but even then they should be able to see and hear other GPs that live in a cage next to them
I will never rehome a single GP if the owner does not have other GPs
this will cause a lot of disagreement but guineapigs shouldnt be given lettuce or cucumbernas it contains too much water material, and can cause upset stomachs etc.
I have had 2 guineas for 3 years now and have fed them cucumber since they were babies and no problems have occurred. As to the sneezing again both our guinea pigs, have occaisonally sneezed since we got them, and nothing has ever come of it :good:

As already pointed out, just take her to the vet to get her checked out. Oh, and conditions permitting, rabbits can make superb freinds for guinea pigs :)
rabbits do not make good friends for guinea pigs at all they can injur them and they need different food for a start
scot :rolleyes:
Rabbits Rape Guineapigs, Braking Their Backs, Fighting Etc, Do Not Get A Rabbit As A Companion.
Rabbits should only have food for about 20mins a day, guineapigs need for 24/7 for a source of vitamin C as they can not produce this themselves, the only similarity in food is the fact they need hay to graze on at all times.
Rabbits can not live with GPs ,they have different dietry needs,they can seriously injure a GP when they are running around and kicking out and rabbits carry a bacteria that they can live with quite happily but if they pass it onto a GP it can be fatal.

GPs can have Cucumber but in moderation as for lettuce they can have all lettuce except iceberg lettuce,iceberg has no food quality and will give your GP the runs

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