Worried About My Giant Danio...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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I have a new fish tank with 1 giant danio, 2 comet goldfish, and 1 golden algae eater in it. It's 20 gallons, kept at 72 degrees. I've check pH, ammonia, nitrates, etc. and all are fine. I cycled it for 1 month before putting the fish in three days ago. My danio has not eaten at all, but he seems mostly fine... no ick or fungal spots or anything like that. The other fish aren't picking at him at all, I've been watching them very closely. (and yes, I know all about the reputations of CAEs) I'm feeding them a small pinch of tropical fish flakes twice a day, and all of the other fish are eating fine. The danio will swim right into a sinking flake and not even seem to notice it. The goldfish clean the food up pretty well, but not so quickly that he doesn't have ample opportunity to get some food, he just doesn't seem remotely interested. He zips around a lot, seems almost worried or something, and also has this weird habit of putting his nose in a corner and swimming hard against the glass. This morning I also noticed a sort of wrinkle in the top part of his tail, like it's folded down on itself. He seems to hold his tail sort of limply, but all of his other fins are perky. Am I just over-reacting, or is there something wrong with my fish?

P.S.--the danio and CAE are about 1.5 inches long, goldfish about 1 inch.
Wow, I didn't think of that. His eyes look perfectly fine, clear and such. He doesn't seem to run into the other fish or the aquarium furniture or anything. When he swims into the walls it's not so much of a bump, he seems to like it. He swims up to the corner then will swim very fast like he's trying to push the wall, but he can race around the tank very quick and not hit anything. I don't think he's blind, but any idea how I could find out for sure?
Wow, I didn't think of that. His eyes look perfectly fine, clear and such. He doesn't seem to run into the other fish or the aquarium furniture or anything. When he swims into the walls it's not so much of a bump, he seems to like it. He swims up to the corner then will swim very fast like he's trying to push the wall, but he can race around the tank very quick and not hit anything. I don't think he's blind, but any idea how I could find out for sure?
If he's swimming around very erratically it could be a symptom of swim bladder.

Oh yeah and welcome to TFF! :hi:

Try posting in the emergencies section next door where Wilder and the other disease experts hang out.

as waterdrop said post in the emergencys section :)
one thing though if you only have the one danio he will be very lonely and would most probs like some friends of his own kind regards scot :)
Ok, thanks guys. I did some research and he definitely doesn't have anything wrong with his swim bladder. He's also calmed down some and started exploring the tank, so now I'm thinking he may just have taken longer to get used to his new home. Hopefully he'll take some food this evening. If not, I'm going to get some brine shrimp or something and maybe a buddy or two on Monday for him and see if that helps at all. I appreciate your advice! :D
Just wanted to say that my danio finally started eating when I fed this evening. Thanks for the help everyone, I really appreciate it. :fish:

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