Worried About My Favourite Fish!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2012
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I've had Platys for about a year, and yesterday I decided to cut my numbers down from 15 (mixed) to just 5 favourite females. I did this in order to add some rainbows and also a few blue shiners to my tank. 
4 of the females seem to be ok, but one, my favourite, seems to be hiding at the back, not at all herself??
Do you think they need a male?? Or more platys??
Please help 
should I get some of them back do you think?? they probably still have them at my lfs
I occassionaly have fish who seem more solitary and don't wish to be around the others and other times they may be ill.
Is she eating?
Not sure, my Mum fed them during the day while I was at work. But I put a bit of food in when i noticed she was just sitting at the back, and she didnt seem bothered. :(
Thing is as there were a large number before and they would all rush to the top for food, I may not have noticed if she was like it before I guess. She seemed healthy to me.

Oh also, she seemed to chase off one of the other females earlier?! Never noticed this behavior before
I have a bleeding heart tetra who displays similar behaviours to what you are describing.  She isolates herself from the rest of the group and initially I thought something was wrong with her.  She does still eat, but she stays on her own and chases any fish away from her "corner".  This may be a completely different thing, but that is something I have obsevered which is similar :)
Hmm, how long as your tetra been like this?? Is it normal? I dont think my platy was always with the crowd that much, but I never noticed her seclude herself that much. Just hope I havent made a bad decision by removing some of my platys. Feel awful now :( 
It just seems like a large number to remove at once. We usually suggest keeping at least 6 of each species of shoaling fish so they'll feel safety in numbers. 
I have 5, perhaps I'll get back one of my males?
I was under the impression that Platy's are not actually a very socially orientated (shoaling) fish?
Tuxyu3 said:
I was under the impression that Platy's are not actually a very socially orientated (shoaling) fish?
Well I don't think they properly shoal as such really. Maybe when I had 15 it just looked like they did as everytime I walked in the room they would all swarm to the top thinking it was dinner time 
You have also posted pretty much the same thing word for word under the title "Platy Scared Of Rainbows?"

With all this in mind I think you have a few options:

1). Your fish is sick
2). Taking away 10 tank mates of the same species has upset the dynamics of the tank (and your fish)
3). One of the other fish is bullying her and she's hiding

I suggest you spend some time watching your fish to see if you can see anything else going on. If she is sick she will either recover or or get worse. If she gets worse symptoms may present themselves. If she gets better then all is ok.

If its due to the dynamics in the tank things should settle back down hopefully. If she's being bullied you'll see which fish and then you can take it from there.

When you say rainbows do you mean rainbowfish? If so they are some of the most unassuming fish you can get so I wouldn't think it was them. I've not kept Blue Shiners before but they don't seem to be that aggressive from the little I can find out about them.

What you don't say is how big your tank is and how many rainbows (and clarify exactly the type) you have. This may be a factor.

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