Worried About My Eel!


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Firstly hi everyone!!

Right this week has been a nightmare for my tank!
firstly here are my tank stats
ph. 7.0
nitrite 0 ppm
amonia 0 ppm
nitrate 30ppm - cant seem to get this down tho!!!! (feeding less, bought plants, more frequent water changes)

Right monday one of my dalmation mollies just died suddenly no symptoms!, Then a day later another one died but this one appeared to have a patch of its body whihc was a pink colour, the bloke at the shop said that it was probably ulcers and to tret it with a antibacterial/fungal treatment and so for no more of my fish have died! Excpet now one of my fire eels has a couple of strange lumps on its underside one of which turned a pink colour, a few balls came out of this lump which has now receeded but the other lumps still remain. Will the meds cure the eel??? Ive heard that meds dont work that well on scaless species??

Just to add to this ive only just put an electric blue ram in there! which cost me £20!
Firstly hi everyone!!

Right this week has been a nightmare for my tank!
firstly here are my tank stats
ph. 7.0
nitrite 0 ppm
amonia 0 ppm
nitrate 30ppm - cant seem to get this down tho!!!! (feeding less, bought plants, more frequent water changes)

Right monday one of my dalmation mollies just died suddenly no symptoms!, Then a day later another one died but this one appeared to have a patch of its body whihc was a pink colour, the bloke at the shop said that it was probably ulcers and to tret it with a antibacterial/fungal treatment and so for no more of my fish have died! Excpet now one of my fire eels has a couple of strange lumps on its underside one of which turned a pink colour, a few balls came out of this lump which has now receeded but the other lumps still remain. Will the meds cure the eel??? Ive heard that meds dont work that well on scaless species??

Just to add to this ive only just put an electric blue ram in there! which cost me £20!
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about your fish, and i would love to help but there are a lot more experienced members than me on the forum. You may receive advice quicker if you post your thread in the tropical emergencies section.

Hope things get sorted out for you, Skins.

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