Today I bought 5 reticulated corys which look great!
After acclimatising them I fished them out of the bad with the net (one at a time) and the last one got his side fin (like a little spike) trapped and became really stressed.
I got some nail scissors and cut around the part he was stuck and then got some gloves on and prised it gently out and he swam away happily. I know which one it is, and I was wondering what would be the tell tale signs that it may have hurt him? And will it heal if given a proper diet and kept healthy (the water is healthy in itself).
P.s Im just slightly worried, he seems completely fine currently but I would just like to keep a watch over the next few days to make sure.
After acclimatising them I fished them out of the bad with the net (one at a time) and the last one got his side fin (like a little spike) trapped and became really stressed.
I got some nail scissors and cut around the part he was stuck and then got some gloves on and prised it gently out and he swam away happily. I know which one it is, and I was wondering what would be the tell tale signs that it may have hurt him? And will it heal if given a proper diet and kept healthy (the water is healthy in itself).
P.s Im just slightly worried, he seems completely fine currently but I would just like to keep a watch over the next few days to make sure.