Worried About Cory


Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Dereham, Norfolk, England
Today I bought 5 reticulated corys which look great!

After acclimatising them I fished them out of the bad with the net (one at a time) and the last one got his side fin (like a little spike) trapped and became really stressed.

I got some nail scissors and cut around the part he was stuck and then got some gloves on and prised it gently out and he swam away happily. I know which one it is, and I was wondering what would be the tell tale signs that it may have hurt him? And will it heal if given a proper diet and kept healthy (the water is healthy in itself).


P.s Im just slightly worried, he seems completely fine currently but I would just like to keep a watch over the next few days to make sure.
He ought to be completely fine; I've had fish tangled worse than that that have made a full recovery. Just keep an eye out for any fungus-like secondary infections.

And use a margarine or ice cream tub for catching cories and plecs from now on!
Dont net catfish out slide them out as their fins may get stuck like now.watch out for infections and add healing treatments. that will help out alot but use at half dose as they cannot tolerate strong meds. He may rub against bogwood. dont touch fish with your hands or with gloves. They are cold-blooded and become uncomfortable when touch by warm-blooded creatures like us. He should heal up and be fine.

Glad.. To Help!
Hows the cory doing?

Just keep an eye on it for any sores or fungus around the area,but hopefully it should be fine :good:

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