Worms In Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2006
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i have 1 betta in a 30 litre tank with 2 live plants,light and no filter.i have a worm problem.they are very small white worms and they stick to the glass.i do syphon my tank to get rid of them but in 24hrs they are all back in numbers.the lady at my aquarium said it was caused by too much organic waste!surely they have organic wastein their natural habitat.
if its not a danger to him id rather just leave it be.what are they and are they a problem?thanx 4 your help :)
Sounds like planaria worms. As far as I know, they're not harmful to the fish, but the lady at the LFS store was right: they're caused by a lot of excess waste in the gravel. To get ride of them, follow the instructions here.
see it cant be from food,because i cycled my tank for a month with no fish in there and i noticed these things for the first time then.its just now theres so many of them.i guess ill just have to syphon my tank every week to keep on top of it.i cant see any other way besides pulling the whole thing out and starting again,which would upset the hell out of prodigy.
see it cant be from food,because i cycled my tank for a month with no fish in there and i noticed these things for the first time then.its just now theres so many of them.i guess ill just have to syphon my tank every week to keep on top of it.i cant see any other way besides pulling the whole thing out and starting again,which would upset the hell out of prodigy.
I had camalanus worms and when they were outside of fish they were white. In the fish while feeding on blood they were red, and whey they are long enough you can see them protruding from the fishes vent(anus). I used a drug for cattle called Levamisole and the worms were all dead in 12 hrs....nasty mess though...
I had some in my 10 gallon so I moved George and his snail back to his old bowl and empied the entire tank, carried it to the bathroom, scrubbed all sides and even removed as much gravel as possible to clean bottom and rinsed with water straight from the tap, then drained all the water out and let it sit on my shelf under some hot flourescant lights for two days... then divided it, set it back up, and presto, haven't seen any little white crawly things since. ^_^
i used a product called cycle.im seriously thinking of starting over with this tank.but im going to breed him soon so i might do it while he's in with the female and fry.
one more thing ive noticed is there seems to be a host for these things.its a hard round thing that sticks to the glass and they seem to come out of it.its like a bloody alien invasion.ill take a photo of it and see if its clear enough to post.

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