Wordy's Seahorse Tank

As a quick aside before I get the pics up I'd like to ask a queston about cuc. The guys at the LFs recommended 4 Tubro Snails and a couple of Blood Shrimp would be adequate for my tank (94l)

Obviously he's got alot more expirience than I have but 4 snails and 2 shrimp doesn't seem like a great deal. Is it right or am I just being too fussy?
Hi! It'll be cool to see another setup that'll feature more macro algae. When I was doing my research for my own tank (no sea horses, but macro algae), I came across this journal on Seahorses by another member here.


A very good journal. The way she rigs the anchoring is genius.

Here are pics of the tank

I've scaped the rocks so they cover the inlets on the left hand side of the tank.

The top right piece of rock looks like it used to have lots of polyps attached, shame they aren't still there.
ok fella, nice scape BUT you will not be able to clean that side panel. this doesnt seem to bad now but trust me, in 3 months time you will be tearing your pile apart to get all the glass clean.
Good point, maight have to re jig it a little, last thing I was is the glass covered with muck.

Could anyone answer my question about cuc a couple of posts up please?
Best to stock cuc slowly, blood shrimp are poor cuc IMO, go for cleaners or true peps.
Like I said numbers don't mean slot, stock what you need. Every tank is different, start with 4, if you need more then add more.
It'as been a couple of weeks since the last update so here goes

I've checked the tank has cycled by dosing amonia up to 3ml and the tank processed it quickly, so afer confirming my results with an expirienced aquarist on another website I decided to stock the cuc and a firefish

The fish and 2 cleaner shrimp went in last Sunday. Unfortunatley one of the shrimp died Wednesday night, checked the water and all was ok. the 2nd shrimp has since shed it's skin and is looking really healthy, same for the firiefish(apart from the shedding part ;) )

Got the snails in on Friday and they are happily cu'ing their way around the tank. Also got the marco algae in and the tank pretty much looks how I'd hoped it would. :)

gonna leave it all to settle for a couple of weeks then get the seahorses, so it's coming along pretty nicely :)

Anyway here's what you're all reading this for.... a pic of the tank :p


i'm going to keep my eye on the calurpa on the bottom right, there is a lot and I don't want it to grow too much more as I don't want it all to crash.
looking good! get some halimeda and some red algaes and that will look wicked!
Very nice looks good any updates got any seahorses yet.
What is your lighting and what is your flow? Just curious. How are you liking Caulerpa so far? I opted not to use it. I didn't like the leaf shape. Too big.

Careful with the recommendation of macro algae. Some of them require Calcium dosing, very much along the lines of corals and some do better with Carbon dosing in the form of Calciumcarbonate. Still others require nutrient dosing. Some also require higher light levels and different flow that others.

If you are interested in other macro species, here's the link I've been using for Macro id and basic care. Then I asked a specialty forum for confirmation on the information, as I really don't like relying one source.


All that aside, the tank looks really good. :)


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