It'as been a couple of weeks since the last update so here goes
I've checked the tank has cycled by dosing amonia up to 3ml and the tank processed it quickly, so afer confirming my results with an expirienced aquarist on another website I decided to stock the cuc and a firefish
The fish and 2 cleaner shrimp went in last Sunday. Unfortunatley one of the shrimp died Wednesday night, checked the water and all was ok. the 2nd shrimp has since shed it's skin and is looking really healthy, same for the firiefish(apart from the shedding part

Got the snails in on Friday and they are happily cu'ing their way around the tank. Also got the marco algae in and the tank pretty much looks how I'd hoped it would.
gonna leave it all to settle for a couple of weeks then get the seahorses, so it's coming along pretty nicely
Anyway here's what you're all reading this for.... a pic of the tank
i'm going to keep my eye on the calurpa on the bottom right, there is a lot and I don't want it to grow too much more as I don't want it all to crash.