Wooh!i'm Joining The Reefers!

P.S. don't get a Coral Beauty though, they are good fish but they are BORING and an incredibly common sight in hobbyists' tanks. Why not a Flasher Wrasse, Fairy Wrasse, et cetera instead?

LOL Lynden if it dosent shoot laser beams out of its a@@ you think it is boring!!!!

But ya go with a Wrasse! So much cooler :hyper: I Like the six line Wrasse.
Thanks for that guys. Not to sure about the wrasse and they might be out of my price range. Well is there any more info on the sponges. If they are dead what do i do just scrape them off.
As long as its not a BIG sponge, just leave it. Small rock-hugging tunicates can be left alone if they die, its really only the much larger tube sponges that can pose a water quality threat upon death
Good bargain on the tank well done!! as for fish why not just go with the good old clown fish they are great fun, my tank would not be the same without them, also they are great beginners fish! :rolleyes:
Good bargain on the tank well done!! as for fish why not just go with the good old clown fish they are great fun, my tank would not be the same without them, also they are great beginners fish! :rolleyes:
Yeha i was definetly going to have some clowns and a coral beuty and maybe some kinda wrasse or some gobies.
Well i collected my rio 180 today andit is full of liverock and ready to go.
I have 1 little goby in there and took the moon wrasse to my lfs.
I will get a cleanup crew on wednesday.
If you want a reef safe wrasse go with a 6 line...Mine is awesome!

Yeha i was lloking at 6 lines but i hear they area bit 'Jekyll and Hyde' fish some can be good others bad. I like your blue green chromis in the background and am hoping to get 3 or 4.
if anyone has any tips on what cleanup crew to get for a 180 litre tank. Can they tell me please?
180 ltr.. 40 uk galllons... i would say 20 hermits and 20 turbos

add more diverse cleanup atyour preferance
Thanks for that Navarre. I have 3 turbo snails, 4 nassarius snails in their at the moment and hope to get 20 hermits and another load of snails next weekend.
The stocking in the tank at the moment is:
1-Red Sea Harlequin Goby (came with tank)
2-Blue Green Chromis (came with tank)
3-Fijian Blue Gold Damsels
Loads of liverock
Tiny starfish hitchhiker
Loads of small hitchiker fanworms.
And a few small pieces of blue spponge.
I got rid of loads of the sponge as it was on everything.
Comments please,
I had two chromis for a long time. They were ok as just the two but they didnt really seem that worthwhile, kinda boring really.

I spoke to my handy fishshop man about it as all his chromis seemed happy. He told me that because they were just 2 they could be unhappy because the chromis are better kept in groups.

I now have 6 and it did make a difference. So I would recommend maybe another 3.

As you are planning on getting clownfish also you may see a couple of scraps break out between them and the chromis. Nothing fatal in it, its just that my clowns don't want the chromis hanging near the anemone.

Make sure you get clowns that are equal size/smaller than the chromis ;)
Yeah i am going to my Marine fish shop and getting 3 for £9 on the chromis and i will also get two small percula clowns form there which will be much smaller than the chromis.
But thats all next weeknd.
So i went to Watford Aqauirum yesterday and got 2 small percs and 2 more chromis and a kilo of LR.
My hermit crabs should arrive tommorow so then my stocking will be:

4x Blue Green Chromis
2xPercula clowns
3x Fijian Blue Gold damsels
1xRed sea harlequin goby
18x False Turbo snails
3x Turbo Snails
5x Nassarius snails
12x Blue Legged hermit crabs
Loads of fanworms (hitchikers)
Also some of my live rock i have some brown mushrooms growing on it.
Any comments welcome.

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