UPDATED WITH PICS! everything in my tank is going good, dont have gravel yet cause ill be moving the tank at the end of summer, and i didnt want to deal with moving the gravel.
im starting to build a canopy for it today!
This pic is my blood parrots
looking at yours I can't wait till I can put fish in mine.
Unfortunately my 125 is still fishless cycling.

FYI the dimensions are 72x18x22
see if you cant find the product called "Bio-Spira" my work just started selling it, i work at a private fish shop, and aparently its the only product with an instant cycle. we had some lady test it for us and she put the bio-spira in a brand new tank with a good amount of fish and she had one small ammonia spike, but nothing bad enough to really do anything...
plecoguy said:
see if you cant find the product called "Bio-Spira" my work just started selling it, i work at a private fish shop, and aparently its the only product with an instant cycle. we had some lady test it for us and she put the bio-spira in a brand new tank with a good amount of fish and she had one small ammonia spike, but nothing bad enough to really do anything...
I don't really need it.
The bacteria process if moving along in that tank. I'm not worried about having to instanly cycle it anyway since the time the fishless cycle is taking is also giving me time to get my decorations and tank prepped for the oscar to move into the tank.

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