Woo Just Bought 2 Betta's

Oh welcome to the forums. :D So nice to see a fast learner here. Just you wait. You stick around here long enough you'll have a dozen of them in their various tanks around the house and panicking about which girl you wanna breed from. They're all nutters here. :lol:
P.S:I agree. The only betta I keep in a 3g is my blind girl. The idea of keeping one in a vase horrifies me..
I know its already been answered about males and females being kept together, but I thought I'd add an example. A couple of weeks ago, maybe a little less, one of my males in a divided tank jumped into a females section and here is what she looked like afterwards:

This picture was actually taken a couple of days after it happened. You can see the new, clear regrowth on her fins. I didn't take pictures immediately but she had red wounds on her sides, and damage to her gill plate. I can't believe she survived but she did, and is still on the mend. Looking much better.

So the answer is yes, he will rip her to shreds.
poor fish :(

still reading through pages of betta info, apparently if you keep a group of females to one male it will sometimes work out

TEMPERAMENT: Bettas are peaceful fish, BUT they will attack any other male Betta in the tank. It is not advised for beginners to keep two males in the same tank as this will result in one male being beaten up and very sick looking
:huh: :no:

While the sight of another male fish (or even, in a series of experiments, a cutout that only vaguely resembled one) does indeed send a male into paroxysms of gill flaring,
love that, i still havn't found a small mirror although ill wait till he's properly settled in to try that
The male wont rip the female to shreds..... only if the female were another male would that happen or if the female just layed eggs would the male become aggressive to the female.

1. dont tell him anything wrong. there are lives at stake
2. males are agressive no matter what -_-

...so where can i get polystyrene cups so he can make his nest :hey:

unless you're breeding him which i suggest you not. at least not for a while, you dotn neeed a sytro cup
need a collection of foods first and i dont actually intend even thinking about breeding them untill im back from holiday

ok im holding the female responsible for the death of a minnow :( one minute hes got red marks on him 5 mins later the tail was missing and dead before i could fish him out :/
-sorry, looks like i need more learning to do, didnt mean to supply false info, really sorry
Good job seperating them. :) Trust me, that saves you, your Betta girl, and your Betta boy a LOT of pain! I have never personally seen a tank (except for like a 50g) with a male and female Betta together work out. Both were petrified, stressed, and ripped to shreds... in every incidence.

Also, what is so horrifying about vases? I guess you mean small vases? My Mom keeps our CT, Spike, in a huge 5 gallon vase. He is a very happy boy with constant bubblenests.
Good job seperating them. :) Trust me, that saves you, your Betta girl, and your Betta boy a LOT of pain! I have never personally seen a tank (except for like a 50g) with a male and female Betta together work out. Both were petrified, stressed, and ripped to shreds... in every incidence.

unless they were still juvies and aren't aggresive yet. then in that case yes they can be kept together xD
still reading through pages of betta info, apparently if you keep a group of females to one male it will sometimes work out
Some people say that, but don't believe it. They'll still chase one-another constantly and be under constant stress, it's just that there are more females to spread the aggression around so the male isn't as likely to pick on one single girl until she dies.
aw, all my boys have cups to blow bubbles in. they hide under them too. I've found even females like something floaty on the surface to lurk under.

but if you're gonna breed, don't breed petshop bettas. they are usually the result of someone breeding for money, which means veil tails, multi-colors (with red wash or irridesence), or of questionable genetic quality. Better to buy something online at aquabid
yup i even read its a veil tail and not worth breeding, what about the petshop females. are they worth breeding?

i want another tank and several females now :)
The females are almost always VTs too, you just can't tell because of the short fins ;)
oh well ill have to save up and invest in some desirables, i still want another female possibly 2 togo with my current one and then breed the VT
oh well ill have to save up and invest in some desirables, i still want another female possibly 2 togo with my current one and then breed the VT

:- yay we have someone new to bettas who takes advice and does research, now it's time for multiple betta syndrome :p
i might have to retract this statement, please listen, do not breed pet shop vt's there is no way of knowing their age or genetic background and you could end up with 100+ deformed fry or poor quality fry that nobody wants, females must be kept in nothing less than 10g and in groups no smaller than 4-6 to spread any agression out

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