

Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2003
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So I went to the Lfs today (how many stories start like this??? I digress) to buy some new plants for my 20 gal. Im trying to go all natural with no fake plants. (and I achieved it!) Well I saw a peacock eel for $6 (u.s.)!!!! and he was about 5or 6 inches!!!! so I bought him....been wanting one for awhile but always were a bit too much (normally like 20 bucks) SO now to the q's....I put him in the tank and did the "drip" to acclimate him. Then as soon as I released him he swam to the bottom looked around for a second and went under the gravel. Will he stay down there or when he gets comfy and cozy will he come out and hang around???
Actually, gravel is not good for them at all.

Will he stay down there or when he gets comfy and cozy will he come out and hang around???

Most of his life is spent underground. He will come out at times but they spend most of their time underground with just their nose sticking up. He isn't hiding underground right now because he's new to the tank, this is what they do. They will come out to eat, and they will eat anything that will fit in their mouths.
its not really gravel its polished river rock....is thats ok??? and the smallest fish is a feeder fish that never was eaten....so i dont think he will eat the tank mates/

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