Wondering What To Get!


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi im really excited because im going to get some fish for my 20-gallon tank! I know i want guppies and mollies and cardinal tetras, but just in case i decide not to get these, i would love to hear some of your suggestions! if you could post a picture of the type of fish, that would be awesome. Thanks guys!
If you do decide to add Guppies, make sure they go in last, at least a month after the tank has finished cycling.
thanks there are lots of fish that i consider getting! I like the guppies and the mollies because they all look different.
20 gallons are probably my favorite size for most community setups. They are small enough to not take up too much space and too much time for maintenance but at the same time you can keep most community fish. That being said you shouldn't have an issues getting the fish you desire, just remember with livebearers it won't take long to have some babies around. Even if you don't take the fry out a good amount will live.

This last batch of fry my swordtail had I let her have in the main tank and I took out the majority of the fry but left 3 or 4 in the tank. All of these fish are still alive and haven't been eaten. So with that in mind just know that the chances are your fish will have babies and you will have survivors. Just plan for a few extras knowing they will come eventually.
Also keep in mind that mollies need brackish water. (marine salt) They get sick a lot without it, and some fish can't take the salt. :good:
Would you consider platies instead of mollies? They are that little bit easier to please. Basically, mollies really do need very hard, very clean water (easier achieved with salt) whereas the cardinals want it soft and acid. Platies are a little more adaptable than mollies.
Yeah i might go with some platys because i like the colors they come in, and their colors stand out more against the gravel that is in the tank i am going to put them in. :)
Platies are generally very easy to keep, and peaceful I have found...there really curious fish which makes a good character!!

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