wondering what color for the snd on

which sand color would you choose and why?

  • white (to answer why add reply)

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  • black (to answer why add reply)

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  • other , (why and what color?)

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7 blocks away if im not wrong :) yeah it is fun when you have FRIENDS! i do have, but just a few , the reason i didnt want nemore friends was becuz im going back so its really sad leave to what u were used to!
It sucked when I had to move too. I ended up without any friends when I moved for the first few months.

As to cleaning sand, yes you've got to be careful with it. The sillica dust is a serious healt hazard if inhaled though don't let that freak you out. I've nearly depleted a 50 pound bag without getting sick from it. Wash the sand thoroughly. Wash it until it looks clean then wash it some more.

The best way to clean it, IMO is to put it in a bowl, fill it up with some water then sift throughit and get the small particles to float and drain it into the sink, tub, yard, where ever, just be careful not to pour too fast and spill the sand.

I used Pool Filter Sand which is meant specifically for being used in water (which most stuff from hardware stores is not) and has a good weight to the grains. It never clouds the water.
Teelie said:
7 blocks away  if im not wrong :) yeah it is fun when you have FRIENDS!  i do have, but just a few , the reason i didnt want nemore  friends was becuz im going back so its really sad leave to what u were used to!
It sucked when I had to move too. I ended up without any friends when I moved for the first few months.

As to cleaning sand, yes you've got to be careful with it. The sillica dust is a serious healt hazard if inhaled though don't let that freak you out. I've nearly depleted a 50 pound bag without getting sick from it. Wash the sand thoroughly. Wash it until it looks clean then wash it some more.

The best way to clean it, IMO is to put it in a bowl, fill it up with some water then sift throughit and get the small particles to float and drain it into the sink, tub, yard, where ever, just be careful not to pour too fast and spill the sand.

I used Pool Filter Sand which is meant specifically for being used in water (which most stuff from hardware stores is not) and has a good weight to the grains. It never clouds the water.
Mystic White® II brand Pool Filter Sand ??????? is that what you are talkin bout teelie? and yeah i know how it feels to wash sand , almost die when i was 10 washing it for some home-decor thingy :S :p
Mine wasn't that. It's more of a brownish color. You can see it fairly well in my thread in the Photograph forum. All of my tanks have sand in them.
I bought mine from a pool supply store. $10 for a 50lb bag. While not as cheap as Playsand, it won't cloud up either. It's also substantially cheaper than aquarium sand you'll usually find.
Onyx Substrate emmmmmm what is it for, is sand with substrates , i kno but.... what speacial option it has that carb sea doesnt? besides the substrates, or thats it?
I use a 50/50 mix of black and natural "sand" coloured sand in my tanks (apart from my amazon biotope which has just natural coloured silver sand (playpit sand) as a substrate). A light coloured sand washes the colours out of the fish making them appear pale, it also reflects light making the fish uneasy and skittish. I found the black was too dark and didnt allow enough contrast bewteen the substrate and bogwood but the half and half mix works perfectly for me.
Onyx Substrate emmmmmm what is it for, is sand with substrates , i kno but.... what speacial option it has that carb sea doesnt? besides the substrates, or thats it?
Onyx is a color, and the Carib sea sand probably raises your pH and has more calcium carbonate in it while Onyx, depending on where it came from might not.

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