wondering what color for the snd on

which sand color would you choose and why?

  • white (to answer why add reply)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • black (to answer why add reply)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other , (why and what color?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fish Addict
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia Beach , VA, USA
well im lookin for new stuff on Big Al's and theres 2 types of sand that wont affect the pH of freshwater :) well 2 i most liked.... black and white the question is wich sand color would you choose? :dunno:

edited: also is "Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter" good? like you put that and dont need an extra filter right? im confused, GOD! im sooo slow!
I like black sand much better than white, especially in a planted tank. Also, black sand doesn't show the poop as much ;)

<<spelling :X>>
I voted white. In my ten I have (Ithink) the same type of sand that you are looking at buying....it's 2/3 white and 1/3 black....makes for a nice looking bottom I think....although I have never tried straight white....might be nice too. Black is just too black. :lol:
I voted other to evenly split the vote 3 ways. :lol: Actually I didn't realize that at the time but I like brown sand. It's what I have in my tanks and it is a good medium. Not too dark, not too light. I do like black sand and I like white sand but both are expensive to get and neither is useful to me at the moment.
ooooh nice.... i got more confused than what i was :S well maybe lateron with more votes i can decide :p maybe as i'll have 2 more tankS that makes 3 i can put the 3 types! :p:p
I like the tahitian Moon sand myself. Right now I'm trying a different sand in my 37 Gal. Bought from Home depot. Made by quickrete it's calls all purpose sand and was $2.97 for 50Lb's took a while to wash but has the color of beach sand (not too white not to dark) so I'm interested in seeing what that looks like when it's all done.

I think in my 54 I may use a 20lbs bag of tahitian moon sand and then some of this stuff sold at my home depot called tropical play sand it's supposed to be serilized and come straight from the caribean and is very very white colored.

Whatever you decide a sand bottom will look great.
Sky042 said:
I like the tahitian Moon sand myself. Right now I'm trying a different sand in my 37 Gal. Bought from Home depot. Made by quickrete it's calls all purpose sand and was $2.97 for 50Lb's took a while to wash but has the color of beach sand (not too white not to dark) so I'm interested in seeing what that looks like when it's all done.

I think in my 54 I may use a 20lbs bag of tahitian moon sand and then some of this stuff sold at my home depot called tropical play sand it's supposed to be serilized and come straight from the caribean and is very very white colored.

Whatever you decide a sand bottom will look great.
I have used that same sand...is it the Target brand? It actually works and looks really good. (errrm and well :huh: ) If you don't have bratty frontosa...... :blink:
freshmike said:
Sky042 said:
I like the tahitian Moon sand myself. Right now I'm trying a different sand in my 37 Gal. Bought from Home depot. Made by quickrete it's calls all purpose sand and was $2.97 for 50Lb's took a while to wash but has the color of beach sand (not too white not to dark) so I'm interested in seeing what that looks like when it's all done.

I think in my 54 I may use a 20lbs bag of tahitian moon sand and then some of this stuff sold at my home depot called tropical play sand it's supposed to be serilized and come straight from the caribean and is very very white colored.

Whatever you decide a sand bottom will look great.
I have used that same sand...is it the Target brand? It actually works and looks really good. (errrm and well :huh: ) If you don't have bratty frontosa...... :blink:
which one are you taling about FM?
They're both from Home Depot that I'm talking about. The quickrete stuff comes in a clear and yellow bag

The Tropical play sand comes in a clear bag with red and blue logos
i chose white because it would look more natural and i like the really natural look. i love black so much (most of my clothes and belongings are black) but i dont think it would suit a tank
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! i liked all those rplys :D FM i was thinkin on that (2/3 and 1/3) but i wasnt sure of how it would look like, do you have any picture to show me? and sky042 i'll go this week to the HD and see what they have :) thanx for lettin me kno about home depot :) i had no idea about they sold "fish" thingys

thnk y'all for time and patience :D and pleeeeeeeease if someone has any suggestions let me know! :) and what about the tap water thingy?
I just noticed you're from Virginia Beach. I used to live there for about 12 years. I haven't lived there in almost 10 though.
Teelie said:
I just noticed you're from Virginia Beach. I used to live there for about 12 years. I haven't lived there in almost 10 though.
i luv it but i hate it at the same time! but oh well im going back to Argentina the next year

edited: we actually have buildings now!!!! YAY! -_- the highest is 8 levels if im no wrong :X this city its boooooooooooooooooooored! i want the fun i had in my country!!!! :fun:
Virginia Beach was fun from what I remember. Then again I was 14 when I left. A lot may have changed. Are you anywhere near Virginia Beach Boulevard? I used to live off there. Very close to the ocean too.
7 blocks away if im not wrong :) yeah it is fun when you have FRIENDS! i do have, but just a few , the reason i didnt want nemore friends was becuz im going back so its really sad leave to what u were used to!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! i liked all those rplys :D FM i was thinkin on that (2/3 and 1/3) but i wasnt sure of how it would look like, do you have any picture to show me? and sky042 i'll go this week to the HD and see what they have :) thanx for lettin me kno about home depot :) i had no idea about they sold "fish" thingys

thnk y'all for time and patience :D and pleeeeeeeease if someone has any suggestions let me know! :) and what about the tap water thingy?
Technically speaking it's Not fish stuff. The all purpose sand says things like litter boxes, traction on snow.....nothing about aquariums.

Also and I can't stress it enough you need to read some articles on how to properly rinse sand. it takes MUCH longer than regular gravel. enough sand for my 37 took roughly 1.5-2 hours and made one hella mess in my bathtub.

I'd post links to the articles but I'm not sure if we're allowed to link to other forums?

If you want just PM me.

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