I have been looking at these guys:
I'm not all that fond of corals in general, but the Fungia group have held my fascination for a while. There are a few things I don't entirely understand though:
- what constitutes "moderate" lighting in watts per gallon? I looked around on the forum for an answer but either I'm blind or didn't look in the right place. Sorry if this is in an obvious place and I missed it (I know it's a newbie question...)
- if they're semi-aggressive and can damage other corals, what does this mean for other animals in a tank? Will they sting non-coral inverts if they come into contact with one? What about fish?
- since they are "easily damaged" by handling, how does this apply as far as being shoved/bumped by something like a large turbo bulldozing accross the substrate? I've seen Fungia in with pretty gigantic snails that are notorious coral-bashers, but I don't know how long the two co-existed.
I'm not thinking about getting one of these any time soon; I'm pretty sure my current lighting is completely insufficient for any sort of photosynthetic coral. Just wanting to get my understanding of them correct, should I want to plan ahead/modify a setup to accomodate one at some point in the future. For some reason I really like the big green blob look.
I'm not all that fond of corals in general, but the Fungia group have held my fascination for a while. There are a few things I don't entirely understand though:
- what constitutes "moderate" lighting in watts per gallon? I looked around on the forum for an answer but either I'm blind or didn't look in the right place. Sorry if this is in an obvious place and I missed it (I know it's a newbie question...)
- if they're semi-aggressive and can damage other corals, what does this mean for other animals in a tank? Will they sting non-coral inverts if they come into contact with one? What about fish?
- since they are "easily damaged" by handling, how does this apply as far as being shoved/bumped by something like a large turbo bulldozing accross the substrate? I've seen Fungia in with pretty gigantic snails that are notorious coral-bashers, but I don't know how long the two co-existed.
I'm not thinking about getting one of these any time soon; I'm pretty sure my current lighting is completely insufficient for any sort of photosynthetic coral. Just wanting to get my understanding of them correct, should I want to plan ahead/modify a setup to accomodate one at some point in the future. For some reason I really like the big green blob look.