I supose the biggest factor here is what fish you are keeping, T1karman and myself keep large predatory fish which have protein rich diets and produce huge ammounts of waste, which can sometimes look like a cat or small dog has taken a crap in the tank rather than a fishits this large crap that gets caught in corrugated hoses and blocks them up. In this situation the faster ammonia processing and better media selections are importent, sponges and big fish really dont work well as they just clog continually. Add to this that often these fish are very expensive (T1karmans tank probably has around £20,000 worth of fish in it, maybe more) and suddenly that extra bit of media capacity and faster processing for a couple of hundred quid more seems like a really good deal.
I supose the biggest factor here is what fish you are keeping, T1karman and myself keep large predatory fish which have protein rich diets and produce huge ammounts of waste, which can sometimes look like a cat or small dog has taken a crap in the tank rather than a fishits this large crap that gets caught in corrugated hoses and blocks them up. In this situation the faster ammonia processing and better media selections are importent, sponges and big fish really dont work well as they just clog continually. Add to this that often these fish are very expensive (T1karmans tank probably has around £20,000 worth of fish in it, maybe more) and suddenly that extra bit of media capacity and faster processing for a couple of hundred quid more seems like a really good deal.
I agree, it definitely depends on whether you are after large amounts of mechanical or biological filtration in regards to which is more suitable. I personally like a close to 50/50 mix in my filters, but then, I don't keep anything at home that produces large amounts of waste. When it comes to processing large amounts of water with a high concentration of biological waste a sump will offer far greater filtration than any canister. n.b. when I say large I mean anything over say... 1000L (250G).
Here in the southeast U.S. I have seen the Fluvals and Renas in my nearby stores. I have tried to study the web sites for Fluval, Rena and Eheim. The Rena web material I can find seems a bit short on details and organization. The Fluval material seems pretty well organized with parts diagrams, model information and I get the feeling I could find resources if I were trying to work with one of these. Eheim also has pretty clear model information, although I can't remember whether parts info was quite as clear as Fluval.
Searching for Eheim sources for a U.S. buyer gets a little more confusing. Clearly people are buying them as there are plenty of refs in Amazon and many online tropical hobby sources, BUT, non of these sources ever seems to list a very complete line of units like one sees at the Eheim main company site.
I'm trying to plan a filter for a small 28G(US)/106L tank and the 4 Eheim models that would seem to fit the 5-water-exchanges-per-hour rule I keep seeing here on TFF are the 2215(classic), 2234(ecco), 2222(Pro, aka ProI?) and the 2322(Pro w/heater.) I'm basing this on the (eheim listed) 500 L/H rates (except classic one is 620 L/H.) I have a small worry here that I've seen posts to the effect that the manufacturer-listed rates may be higher than what one really gets.
I'm inclined to just go the whole way and get the 2322 with heater but this is the very one I don't see listed hardly anywhere that would be shipping from U.S. Have any of you Eheim users found a reliable place that can get all the models, accessories and parts, will communicate clearly and perhaps will even talk to you on the phone? Perhaps this model is only available in Germany or something? I wonder if there is a split in their model lines with respect to distribution?
Sorry for so many questions but I thought I might provide temporary relief from you guys bashing each other!
..your humble newbie, -waterdrop-
i would also like you to point out what i have over exagerated as well! i have all this as experience with the filter how is that exagerated pray tell??
The pro 1 or pro series may have been discontinued. You would have more luck finding a pro 2 or pro 3.
Eheim manufacture in two places, newer stuff in Germany, older lines in china. Classics, eccos, pick up internal filters are all made in China. Pro 3 and pro 2, aqua balls internals are manufactered in Germany. It looks as if eheim have stopped shipping the pro 1's thermos. to get a thermo eheim you may have to look at the larger PRO 2's ie 2126/2128. I don't know if the pro 1's are made in germany or in china as I have not seen one at the LFS for several months which just tells me they're not even bothering to import them into NZ anymore. (if it's made in germany the box will point it out, china you get a statment designed in germany or "printed in PRC."
parts in the USA are easy www.eheimparts.com only country where you can order eheim parts online from eheim. In NZ you need to get in contact with the store or the local distro chap.
Yes, several of them did offer to order but typically it wasn't a very satisfying interaction, couldn't get price info or much. It's not that I don't know most of the info, I do, I've been collecting minute details for days. Thanks for reminding me about the locator. I had been meaning to use that too but it had slipped my mind. I used it today and located a LFS in a city nearby which I will happen to be visiting in a week or two so now I'm going to stop by. I called them and I may not get the initial filter from them since I found such a good dealer in California but I may need to get parts and other things from this closer store.Did none of the stores even offer to get one shipped from eheim America? Odd, Nonethless the pro II is going to be quite an overkill but if you're adament at having a thermo version one the smaller of the pro 2s would do, they do have adjustable flowrate taps and if that's not enough just put the spray bar at the opposite end of the tank and face the holes at the glass. Also if you're everplanning to upgrade you'll already have the filter for it.
Another thing to do would be to try finding a local eheim dealer through the USA webpage www.eheimlocator.com
looking at their German adverts/promotional videos <a href="http/www.eheim.de/eheim/movies/Filtersysteme_D.wmv" target="_blank">http
/www.eheim.de/eheim/movies/Filtersysteme_D.wmv</a> you will notice the pro is noticable in it's absence. I don't think Pro I are shipped any more. The video shows the ones now made in China: ecco, classic, and internal pickup. Then it shows the lines made in Germany Pro II, Pro III, and the aquaballs. No pro one. It looks like the line has been discontinued or they're in the process of moving it to china. Either way I can see why none of the stores bothred to ask eheim if they could ship one to the store.
No I'm an idiot there is a small canister in the "made in germany" lineup that looks like a Pro one. This is what happens when you have the flu and trawl the internet. Ask one of the stores to order it in for you. Or Buy a 3e 2076 which can be limited to throw the water around at 350 l/h or 77 g/h and can be brought up in 50l/h increments up to 650l/h (143g/h). But no internal heater.
Yes, several of them did offer to order but typically it wasn't a very satisfying interaction, couldn't get price info or much. It's not that I don't know most of the info, I do, I've been collecting minute details for days. Thanks for reminding me about the locator. I had been meaning to use that too but it had slipped my mind. I used it today and located a LFS in a city nearby which I will happen to be visiting in a week or two so now I'm going to stop by. I called them and I may not get the initial filter from them since I found such a good dealer in California but I may need to get parts and other things from this closer store.Did none of the stores even offer to get one shipped from eheim America? Odd, Nonethless the pro II is going to be quite an overkill but if you're adament at having a thermo version one the smaller of the pro 2s would do, they do have adjustable flowrate taps and if that's not enough just put the spray bar at the opposite end of the tank and face the holes at the glass. Also if you're everplanning to upgrade you'll already have the filter for it.
Another thing to do would be to try finding a local eheim dealer through the USA webpage www.eheimlocator.com
looking at their German adverts/promotional videos <a href="http/www.eheim.de/eheim/movies/Filtersysteme_D.wmv" target="_blank">http
/www.eheim.de/eheim/movies/Filtersysteme_D.wmv</a> you will notice the pro is noticable in it's absence. I don't think Pro I are shipped any more. The video shows the ones now made in China: ecco, classic, and internal pickup. Then it shows the lines made in Germany Pro II, Pro III, and the aquaballs. No pro one. It looks like the line has been discontinued or they're in the process of moving it to china. Either way I can see why none of the stores bothred to ask eheim if they could ship one to the store.
No I'm an idiot there is a small canister in the "made in germany" lineup that looks like a Pro one. This is what happens when you have the flu and trawl the internet. Ask one of the stores to order it in for you. Or Buy a 3e 2076 which can be limited to throw the water around at 350 l/h or 77 g/h and can be brought up in 50l/h increments up to 650l/h (143g/h). But no internal heater.
I studied the german video in the link and it was very helpful. Really nice to get a feel for the sizes and feel of the things with the guy standing there and using them. Actually your first take may have been right and they may have only shown the smaller Pro2 ones. I'm going to look again. The circle caps on top are gray on the pro1 line and silver on the pro2 line so I need to stare for that when they flash by.
Finally and most important and at the risk of being redundant: I am worried about being under or oversized on the cannister, no doubt much more worried than I should be because I'm so inexperienced (experience limited to HOB units at points 10, 20 and 30 years ago), but worried nontheless because its a hobby and fun to be worried, right?...so...
pro1 model 2322 500L/H w/heater (1st choice but could be slightly under 5 exchanges/hour (for 106L) if I use 75percent rule that 500L/H might be high estimate from eheim)
pro1 model 2324 700L/H w/heater (would just be bigger cannister and more push but theoretically too much filter for this little tank)
pro2 model 2126 950L/H w/heater (actually not much bigger than last one but a few more features and much more readily available out there)
Part of my main inexperience stems from not knowing how hard the water will be blasting out of the spraybar holes, even if pointed at the tank wall and even with the flow rate twisted down. I just can't envision whether the two larger filter pumps would be throwing the sand, plants and fish all around in the 28G/106L. --waterdrop--
Thanks T1,its no big deal if you can get the pro1 or pro2 they are basically the same filters just the pro2 has a prime function and the pro1 doesnt
pro1 and pro2 both have saame size filters and both have the wet/dry filter
the only way a pro1 will be cheaper than a pro2 is if a shop has one laying around
A neophyte like me has -no- idea whether "a self-prime feature" means a wonderful fully automatic electric thing that means you just plug in the power and soon the pump and pipes are all water and no air (llike one would dream of.) Or whether it always means little plastic paddles that one pushes on until one has carpel tunnel syndrome! (insights welcome)